The Diary of a Nobody/September 24

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, September 24
Like yours truly did after last week’s soak, I woke up this morning (see Sleep Log below) feeling great…The big difference is there is no grogginess…Sometimes you wake up and you still feel groggy or tired and it takes some coffee before the fog starts to lift…But not with the post-soak sleep…You wake up and BOOM you’re ready to hit the keyboard running…Of course, morning coffee still has it’s (important) place, but you can feel the difference. 

I will never understand the bench press…Because I slept thru Tuesday’s workout, I kept the weights one plate below max weights today thinking I’d get the bench up ten times, maybe, but there was extra good strength today and I could’ve moved the final bench weight all morning…The other body parts cutting it down was a good call, tho…For example, the cable shoulder press saw 90 pounds moved ten times…There was no way the PB of 100 lbs could have been moved even six times…But the chest was strong today. 

This was followed up with a River Route walk…The colors are gorgeous, about 20% turned, I’d say and while I wussed out and wore gloves, it was otherwise a gorgeous fall morning. 

The big news is everything else from the passport office was in the mail today…Recall the actual passport was received last week and today the passport card and my birth certificate were there, in separate envelopes…I stared at the passport card for a while wondering if it will ever be used…As noted, while useful for establishing identity and citizenship, ol’ Sparrow seldom needs to establish these things and the only time it can really be used is for North American and Caribbean land or boat travel…I suppose I could use it for ID when flying out to see Uncle Rudy and Auntie Susie for Thanksgiving, but that would gratuitous because my driver’s license will serve the same purpose. 

I gave the cat a saucer of milk this afternoon, to rave reviews…I bought some milk in the next county but there was a hole in it and while I was fussing with it the cat jumped up on the sink and showed great interest in the carton of milk…All right, Daddy can take a hint so an immediate milk ration was authorized…I don’t know how the milk got a hole in it but rather than toss it I emptied an expired carton from the refrigerator, rinsed it out and poured the new milk in…There was also a modest spill in the back of the new ride,  which even ol’ Sparrow was smart enuff to clean up. 

Speaking of the new ride: 41.095 MPG!!!

I am not making that up: our third 40+ figure and the highest ever…41’s my lucky number, too, the number I wore (mostly) while playing sports, tho how that can possibly apply to this is not immediately clear. 

I filled up today at the new convenience store – the one I was the first customer at in December – before heading out to the next county…Despite the fact I hadn’t been to the Mexican joint in a month the kid remembered my usual order and I bought the usual bachelor crap at the retailer…After that, the afternoon was spent at extreme leisure…I did do laundry and the dishes earlier, but otherwise could not be bothered to put any other effort into The Shire (the lawn is dormant now) and yours truly didn’t even bother trying to stay up until the usual 1800…I started nodding off reading about 1530 and saw no reason to prolong the matter and turned in soon after that.  

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 2000 Wednesday until 0200 Thursday…6.0 hours for the day and 30 hours for the week. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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