The Diary of a Nobody/November 27

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, November 27
It’s another leisurely day for ol’ Sparrow, though he does manage to get dressed and leave the house. 

A Personal Best…Maybe
While we don’t keep specific records regarding consecutive hours spent in our robe/pajamas – and we are probably not going to start now – ol’ Sparrow is going to go out on a limb and say the 40-hour period between 1700 Friday and 0900 today was the longest time he’s spent in his jammies and robe…Good gravy, in retrospect that’s a long time to not bother to get dressed…We’re not complaining, tho…Regular readers of this crap know ol’ Sparrow spends as little time as possible in motion anyway and if there’s no reason to get dressed there’s no reason to get testy and force the matter.

Let’s Talk Home Warranties
Recall yesterday, after discussing the matter with Uncle Rudy and Aunt Susie, we purchased a home warranty for The Shire…Well, what with it being the third decade of the 21st century and all, we started getting ads for it (despite the fact we were now a customer) all over the place, with the ads noting they had over two million satisfied customers and that they paid out over $647 million in claims last year…Well, we ran some figures and two million people paying, say, $50 a month (more or less what we’re paying) comes out to $1.2 billion a year and if you’re paying a tad more than half of that out in claims, even with overhead you still have a pretty nice racket going…We remain happy with our purchase, and can’t wait for things to start breaking down around the cabin so we can start filing claims.

News From The Tech Desk
The big news is my laptop is breaking and we need a new one…Physically breaking, as in the frame around the screen is coming off and we are not entirely sure why…We keep it in the new briefcase we bought recently and we strongly suspect we’ve been tossing it around too much and not setting it down, but that is just speculation…So part of the reason we left the house today was to go and find one. 

Mission unaccomplished…First, we went to the membership warehouse places Uncle Rudy and Aunt Susie belong to and then we went to the retailer – where we usually get our laptops from – and neither had what we were looking for…We’ve bought our share of laptops over the years and we have a pretty good handle on what we do and do not need and, frankly, how much we’re willing and need to spend because a laptop is like a car: there is no reason to buy more than you require…We do have some websites and whatnot, but the specs we require aren’t that great, really…Lord knows we’re not producing movies or music and we’re certainly not gamers and we weren’t in the mood to spend what they were asking. 

Whew…Time For A Rest
That was it for the day, tho, a trip out to get some things…This has been a very leisurely vacation, exactly what the doctor ordered, tho regular readers of this crap know we don’t lead that hurried a life for Pete’s sake; it’s pretty low-key to begin with. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log
1900 Saturday until 0300 Sunday…8.0 hours for the nite, a satisfactory start to the sleep week.  


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!

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