The Diary of a Nobody/September 20

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Friday, September 20
This really happened: 

There was a phone message for me at the Veteran Service Office (VSO) this morning from a guy named Alan who reported he had The Wife’s wallet in his possession. 

This was odd because I remember seeing The Wife’s wallet, on the kitchen door porch of all places, before she left for work this morning…Initially, I thought that since the phone call he had placed it on the porch, so I texted him thanking him for this but it turned out he still had it, having found it this morning about 0800 in the middle of Main Street in our small town. 

All right, I call The Wife and get no answer…I call back and a chick not The Wife answers by greeting me by name…It’s our old friend Molly, who works at the bank I used to visit daily when I worked for the Doily Delivery Company…The Wife’s phone was at the bank in the grocery store adjacent to the retailer and Molly had seen my name on Caller ID…The Wife had been by and left it there…Right now, I am the only person on the planet who knows where The Wife’s wallet and phone are…I feel like Joe Friday…I consider calling the retailer but I decide to drive there instead…The Wife is not in the Home Department, so I go to the service desk and ask our old friend Mic to radio her and ask her to call the service desk, extension 150…Mic then turns to help a customer and The Wife comes back on the radio with something I couldn’t understand; I only recognized her voice so I get on the radio and ask her to call extension 150…She does and I fill her in…The Wife being a woman she doesn’t take this particularly well, so I walk with her to the bank to get her debit card canceled and then I head back to the VSO…The Wife is also obliged to get a new drivers license.

About noon Alan brings the wallet by…He’s a nice sort and a former Marine as it turns out…He reiterated he found it about 8am on Main Street, leading me to believe The Wife, in a piece of absentmindedness that is not unprecedented, did not pick her wallet up off the porch and someone else did…It certainly wasn’t there when I left for the VSO at 0715.

Other than that, it was very slow at the VSO today…I did get an email from a gal at the local art depot wanting to come by and chat about a veteran arts program, mainly as rehab for PTSD…Apparently they are very busy at the art depot (it’s the old train station on the far edge of downtown as you’re heading to The Shire) because the soonest she good make an appointment was Oct. 2…I also had a call from a woman who had called me a couple of weeks ago looking for a driver for an elderly vet who lives south of here to an appointment here in town…I haven’t found one yet, but it’s on a Thursday and I’ve already planned to drive him myself. 

I was up pretty early and after project work I found I had enough time for a workout, my first Friday workout in a month or so…I was very strong and I didn’t dawdle like yours truly sometimes does and I was home inside an hour, in time to see The Wife’s wallet on the porch and her off to work…I didn’t dawdle at home, either…I made a protein shake and nuked the remaining burger patties, which is pretty good post-workout nutrition…Then I showered and made a couple of sandwiches for the VSO and was out the door by 0715…This is key because while it is only 25 minutes or so from The Shire to the VSO, it’s longer if you leave at 0730…I’ve found this out the past couple of times I’ve left that late: there is a long line of traffic entering town and ol Sparrow is, invariably, late…I don’t like being late, so I take care to leave by 0715 on Friday mornings now.  

Sparrow’s Sleep Log:
1930 Thursday until 0330 Friday
1900 Friday until 2130 Friday

10.5 hours for the day and a whopping 46.5 hours for the week, the highest Friday total in the memory of man…Heck, Sleep Log fans keeping score at home know this is about an average weekly total and there is still the Saturday Sleep Session (SSN) left to go!!!

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name. 

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