The Diary of a Nobody/January 18

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, January 18
Busy night…I wasn’t back from delivering folios until 0230, about as late as it gets, tho it wasn’t a complete dead sprint the whole time…I did fart around some but not too much. 

Tho the weather was OK here, it was a mess down south and there were eight arrivals waiting for me when I reported for duty, all from the big city…Six of them made it and all of them said they had left the big city in the early afternoon…Roads were closed and when they re-opened they were slow and people were tired and ready for bed when they arrived. 

You don’t want to waste their time here, you want to get them in their room as soon as you can so you prepare…They were already checked in because you have to check them in before you run the night audit, and I had their keys made and all that needed to be done was verify their ID and credit card…If they booked thru a third party I did have to add a credit card for incidentals, but if you spent more than 90 seconds waiting for a key I’d be surprised.

Q had a funny line…He asked if I wanted to hear the latest gossip and I said sure and Q’s tone made it clear a bombshell was coming up: Amy was actually early for work!!!

Amy, of course, does the audit the two nights a week I don’t and she has developed a reputation – earned, I’m afraid – of being late…Which we all remember from when we worked together at Hotel B…Anyway, Q said she reported for duty Thursday night at 2255, a full five minutes before her shift and what appears to be a record for her…The line from Q: 

It was the power of the Lord…A Holy Ghost action. 

A toilet in the lobby bathroom was clogged because someone stuffed it full of toilet paper and the floor was partially flooded…This happens from time to time and I don’t mention it here because it’s gross but the flooding was bad enuff that I put the entire can out of commission…I put a sign up on the door and I took care with the wording, too because we have other first floor restrooms but you just can’t say use the crapper at the pools and after some thought, I put down ‘please the front desk for other options’ which made the point without getting too graphic.  

I made five reservations this morning, too, which has to be a graveyard record tho specific figures aren’t kept…I don’t know why specific figures aren’t kept…I can tell you the earliest and latest times I’ve been back from delivering folios, you’d think I’d keep figures on the most reservations taken during a shift…Anyway, one was from a lady at the local agency that takes in battered women…She more or less needed a room right now and luck was with her because we had vacancies…Sadly, they do such regular business with us that they have their own direct bill account, and the lady said the guest would be by soon enuff but she hadn’t arrived by the time Tammy relieved me. 

Here is the latest gas mileage figures for the new ride: 32.87 MPG…I am not making that up…That’s a full 1.2 MPG higher than last week and it’s the highest non-road trip figure since buying the new ride in November.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1000 Saturday until 1930 Saturday…9.5 hours for the day and a heroic 52.5 hours of the week, our first 50-hour week of the year and the highest since a 53-hour week back in August.

I passed up several opportunities to get up earlier…At 1430 I woke up to use the can feeling pretty good but went back down on the off chance there was more sleep there for me…There was, three hours more, but I rolled over for the final two hours.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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