The Daily Dose – May 22, 2017

Notes from around our Human Experience…

CAPSULE SUNDAY DINNER REVIEW: BBQ’d Steaks, Tin Biscuits, Velveeta Shells and Cheese, Onion and Mushroom Mixture; The Shire, Hayden, Colorado: We’ve been big fans Sunday dinner since we were kids growing in Los Angeles when Grandma and Grandpa (Mom’s side) would come over. They usually arrived in the early afternoon and since Mom’s side of the family was Mexican, dinner was usually Mexican, too. If there was a ballgame on – this was before the era when there was always a ballgame on – we’d watch that, but if not Grandma would insist on watching the bullfights from Tijuana on Channel 34.

What was funny is Mom had four brothers and sisters that still lived in the area, but we were the ones they visited every Sunday. Looking back, it was probably because my late brother Loren was Grandpa’s favorite. No debate, he made no secret of it, all us other grandkids were battling for the runner-up spot.

Back To The Future: So when The Wife started making her usual noises about doing something for Sunday dinner, I was excited because I am keeping rather odd hours right now and dinner together is sometimes not all that easy to coordinate.

ROFLMAO: The Wife also asked what kind of vegetable I wanted,to which I waved a hand dismissively. Under these circumstances – a fine steak, to which I added biscuits and macaroni and cheese – a vegetable would just get in the way.

Dry, Technical Matter: Despite my limited cooking skills, The Wife put me in charge of the kitchen, while she stood post outside, tending to the barbecue. I was in charge of putting the biscuits in the oven and presiding over macaroni and cheese prep plus – get this – cooking our usual onion and mushroom mixture.

Write This Down: Despite the fact I cooked it, the mixture turned out really good. Really good. First you saute the onions in butter and some salt and pepper. Then I threw in a spoonful of some ginger/garlic paste The Wife had picked up at some Indian store somewhere. Then I added the mushrooms. Then I stirred them occasionally. It turned out that a spoonful of ginger/garlic paste was perfect. You didn’t have to go hunting to taste it, but it wasn’t dominating, either.

The Bottom Line: Dinner was great. Offhand, I’m calling it Home Cooked Dinner of the Year, a title it will probably retain until our Christmas prime rib.

GREAT MOMENTS IN RACIAL TOLERANCE: History’s long hatred of the Jews continues when several Jews are killed and the rest banished from Brussels, Belgium on this date in 1370.

Jews would not return to Belgium until the 16th century, when Jews who had been expelled began to filter back in.

Was This An Enlightened Century, Or What?: Pope Gregory XI issues several proclamations – known as papal bulls – regarding the writings of English theologian John Wycliffe on this date in 1377. Wycliffe had had the temerity to suggest, among other things, that the church had become corrupt and should sell all its property, while it’s clergy should live in poverty, views which were not shared by either the church or its clergy.

Despite the fact Gregory had determined that Wycliffe’s On Civil Dominion was both “erroneous” and “dangerous” Wycliffe – who enjoyed broad-based, if not universal, support – was never charged or otherwise punished for his views.

Get Out Your History Books: Cliff Curtis of the Boston Braves breaks the major league record for most consecutive losses by a pitcher, losing his 23rd consecutive game on this date in 1911.

Pitching at home against St Louis, Curtis goes the distance and didn’t do too badly, giving up three runs, all earned, on seven hits in a 3-1 loss. Curtis, who lost his last 18 games in 1910, would break the streak on May 26, defeating Brooklyn 7-2.

Oh Yeah: Curtis’ record would stand until 1993, when it was broken by Anthony Young of the New York Mets, who would go on to lose 27 consecutive games.

Up, Up, And Away…At Least Until The Explosion: A flight from Chicago to Kansas City explodes above Centerville, Iowa on this date in 1962, killing all 45 people on board.

You Know, A Good Cavity Search Would’ve Prevented This: The investigation showed the explosion was suicide bombing by a man named Thomas Doty, who had brought several sticks of dynamite on board. Doty had also purchased a $150,000 insurance policy before the flight. His wife attempted to collect on it, but since Doty’s death was ruled a suicide, all the wife received a $3 refund of the policy’s purchase price.

Thought For The Day: …Malcolm felt his heart pound with hope because he knew that intuition and instinct had once again performed their customary miracle. – William McGivern Choice of Assassins

Answer To The Last Trivia Question: The Tonight Show replaced Broadway Open House on NBC.

Today’s Stumper: Pope Gregory XI was History’s last pope from what country? – Answer next time!


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