The Diary of a Nobody/November 26

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, November 26
Amy – yes, Amy – did the wake-up call tonight…She’s been here for several months, of course, and has no doubt heard Q and Brandon do them and, I trust, has been practicing on her own, so she was good and ready for her debut. 

It was pretty good…Not really good and certainly not great, but she was nice and cheerful, tho she neglected to identify herself – a common newcomer mistake…Still tho, it wouldn’t surprise me to see, hear, Amy enter the regular wake-up call announcer rotation. 

Q, in what must be considered an upset, reported he did zero drinking on his trip to the big city…He said someone he was with was in recovery, or knew someone in recovery or was thinking about knowing someone in recovery…I don’t know…But Q said he didn’t drink anything harder than soda all weekend…He appears to have completely lost his mind with his new alcohol-free lifestyle, too…I was there really early because the roads weren’t as bad as I thought they would be and Q asked if he could knock off early so he could catch the :58 bus, thereby missing out on his shifter, the complimentary cocktail we get at the bar after a tuff shift.

Around 0600 an older guy who forgot his falsies (if he has them) and who needed a shower came up to the front desk…He was a truck driver with an accent I immediately and correctly identified as Carolinian who had a furniture delivery for our remodeled rooms and asked if I knew anything about it…Indeed I did…There was a note in the pass-on log about this, advising hotel personnel would be standing by at 0900…I informed him of this and he was a friendly sort and the next thing you know we were having a chat…Well, to show my receptiveness I placed a hand on the edge of the counter and to signal his willingness, he leaned against the counter and we talked for a bit…While he was new to the area, he had, of course, driven in the snow before, but big-league mountain driving, like the kind offered here, was new to him, and he fretted about the pass for his drive out later today…I noted it’s a tourist area so they work hard to keep the roads clear so visitors can get here – and us workers can get to and from to serve them – but that didn’t really stop his fretting.

It was an interesting experience…He was not the most educated guy in town but he’s a long-haul trucker with a commercial drivers license and those aren’t issued with the rations: they’re earned only after showing specific, detailed knowledge of commercial motor vehicle construction and operation, knowledge regular readers of this crap know ol’ Sparrow certainly does not have…As Pa Sparrow used to say, different people know different things, invariably adding the best knowledge is to know what you’re about. 

The big news on the mountain is the brand new gondola – supposed to be the fastest in human history – is broke dick…I really didn’t want to laff but I gotta be honest, I did chuckle a  bit…Not too much, tho, because happy, accommodated tourists are why I earn a pretty good living I do not have to work very hard at, but still…The diagnosis is a broken driveline to the gearbox, tho there is no word on when it will be ready. 

Here are today’s numbers from the Elapsed Time Display on the new ride: the car was warmed up for 18 minutes before I pulled out for the hotel and it took 44 minutes to get there…Recall it takes 34 minutes with good weather and good roads, but it’s winter and there was snow and it was 40 mph the whole way in.

In other news from the new ride, I still haven’t used half a tank since Sunday’s first fillup, so the gas mileage figures should be pretty good.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1000 Tuesday until 1930 Tuesday…9.0 hours for the day and a weekly total of 21.5 hours…Tho mindful of my pledge to take a whole week off from the gym I was thinking of grabbing a workout tonight, but I slept too long.

The big news I’ve only gotten up once to use the can in the last two sleep sessions…None Monday and once today…This is moderately interesting because Saturday and Sunday I was getting up a couple-three times and at the hotel my blood sugar was completley out of hand and I was drinking water and using the can constantly. 

I got to thinking why that might be and immediately thought of me taking time off from the gym…Some more thought and I wondered if the branched-chain amino acid I take prior to lifting might have something to do with it…So I took some before going to bed both Monday and today…Now, I’m not ready to have this peer-reviewed or anything, but results are results. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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