The Daily Dose/April 1

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Wednesday, April 1
It takes a while for a slip of my famous scrap paper to work its way to the top…This morning I reached for a few sheets and BOOM there was a slip that I had dated when it was made, as a field test for just this circumstance: 1/21/20 and to make really tactical, in-the-field official I even initialed it for some reason…So it takes about 8.5 weeks for a slip of scrap paper to get used which is good, if not particularly useful, to know. 

For the record, the scrap paper pile (SPP) in the back office is about half the height I normally keep it at…Blame the lower occupancy…One, we’re not generating the excess paper we used to and, two, we’re not using as much as we are accustomed to. 

Since the last half of the month was very slow and what guests we did have elected not to bother me, end of the month was a breeze and I was all set to have it done in record time when I ran into some minor intrigue in our state’s Minor Party branch.

I was reviewing an email from a kid in the state office named Matt, who is Campaigns Director, in charge of identifying offices for us to run for and to recruit candidates to run in them, a position that includes membership on the state party’s executive board…He had written about something or other about me running for our US Senate nomination and in it he mentioned he was managing the campaign of my opponent, Ray. 

Well, hell, that doesn’t seem right…The state chairwoman, Victoria, is up at all hours, too, so I messaged her asking if this was a constitution or bylaw violation and she said she didn’t know, tho she agreed this doesn’t look very good. 

No, it doesn’t…The state campaigns director has an interest in me losing…Now, Matt’s a good kid and I’d be surprised if he was doing anything unethical, but this isn’t good and he and others at the state office in the big city should have known this…Just for funsies, I went and checked the constitution and bylaws and neither made any mention of this, but still, this isn’t good. 

At about 0530 some dickface called to inform me there was a car alarm keeping the entire universe up in our parking lot…I presume he was a guest, tho there are some apartments behind the far parking lot, but he called the hotel’s mainline…He was a snot, informing me he needed the alarm shut off right now and I thanked him graciously, adding I would go and do what I could, which was not what he wanted to hear at all…He informed me that I would shut the alarm off or he would call the police…Fabulous…Just what I need: some jerky-jerk copping an attitude…As it was, it all worked out, as sometimes happens to night auditors that are pure of heart…I got out to the parking lot and the alarm had shut itself off. 

ProTip: if this happens to you, be advised there is very little your night auditor can do for you…He does possess the Universal Car Alarm Shut Off Wand and neither do the police…They can note a description of the vehicle and compare it to registration cards, but we don’t require guests to write car info down and few do it on their own, leaving me to call guests staying in that wing at random, which would probably mean waking some people up before I got the right room.  

I didn’t go to the Veterans Service Office (VS)) today…It’s been dead slow for a couple of weeks and I figured I’d rather kill eight hours working on stuff at home in my jammies than at an office no one could visit anyway…You gotta be careful using sick time at the county now because they all but quarantine you if you so much as have dandruff, and I texted Jenn and told her I was having some blood sugar issues, which means I could use sick time without requiring medical clearance to return on Friday…I spent the day at leisure, which I would have done at the VSO, putting a pot of coffee on and doing some project work before retiring to the couch for some reading.  

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: Per standard Wednesday protocol, there was no sleep to report today. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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