The Diary of a Nobody/April 19

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, April 19
Q was manning the front desk when I reported for graveyard duty. At the hotel..Q had not seen the beard since I’d first started it and he said it’s going to take some getting used to…He added it looks pretty intimidating, too, and that if he were a kid he’d run away immediately upon seeing me…Q is a pretty thorough desk clerk and he takes great pride in providing a thorough turnover however it is so slow right now there is seldom anything of substance to turnover…Q, typically, was determined, tho and he solemnly – and this was pretty funny – pointed to the turnover book where it was noted that 115 had been authorized a noon checkout…I looked at him, pursing my lips significantly, and nodded acknowledgment. 

I had a phone call at 0300…I am not making that up…It was a guy heading into town looking for a coworker…Well, regular readers of the crap know I can’t go giving out guest information willy-nilly, but who’s going to lie about looking for a coworker at oh-dark-thirty???…I got his name but he wasn’t registered, not really surprising because all we have are working men in-house and their rooms are usually listed under their company’s or boss’s name…The guy wasn’t pleased to hear this and made it sound like my fault his buddy didn’t leave his name, a phenomenon you run into from time to time in this racket. 

I’m sanitizing left and right, too…Or I think i am…I’m not a housekeeper – thank God, really – and they’ve provided no training on sanitizing procedures, but I am efforting…I a can of Lysol and spray all the horizontal surfaces on the lobby and back office, then I’ll walk thru the hotel and spray door handles on the entrances and attack any luggage carts that get in my way…I do this right after Morning Coffee Service (MCS) has been put out and then I’ll spray the lobby about 0630 or so so day shifters know ol’ Sparrow has, more or less, been on the ball. 

The big news is the French vanilla and hazelnut creamers were switched again…I have no idea who is doing this, nor why, but it is curious: someone went thru the effort of moving the three rows of French vanilla creamers to the left of the rack and moving two rows of hazelnut creamers to the right…The half & half creamers remain in the front. 

After the hotel I went to the retailer, looking for some scissors to trim the beard with…Actually, the mustache, because it is starting to encroach on the upper lip…I had trimmed it once with my nose hair trimmer, but that really didn’t work out…After missing the scissors the first time I looked, I noticed them the second time…I also bought some peanut butter and some air freshener.

I saw Lacey when I was checking out…She’s been there a while and we worked the service desk together from time to time when I worked there…We were both wearing masks and I asked her if she liked the new beard which, of course, wasn’t particularly visible under the mask…She laffed and said she was growing one, too. 

Cody actually came by and got the lawn done this afternoon…This has to be considered an upset because it was cloudy and windy with rain in the forecast when I got up (see Sleep Log below), so I texted him and said it was OK if he put it off because, needless to say, I would have…He texted me back, tho, saying he was actually in the yard raking and, as it turned out, he brought a buddy along, too…Hardy souls, but they got it done and the yard looks sharp…The dead leaves are all gone and the lawn’s mowed and I didn’t have to do any of it myself…It was $110 well spent. 

I am really pleased with my new coat rack…Really pleased…It lends a homey atmosphere to the cabin, or as homey as you can get living alone, and it was a great pleasure to take my coat off and hang it up instead of tossing it on a living room chair…I’m also putting my backpack on the floor next to it and keeping the hat, watch cap and gloves on the top shelf, at least until the weather warms up and then I can put them inside the storage area under the bench, which should prevent having to scramble to find them in the fall…Don’t be surprised if I end up taking my shoes off there, too. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Sunday until 1400 Sunday…5.0 hours for the day and the week…My attempt to sleep longer on Sunday yielded exactly one extra hour, hardly what we were hoping for…I did lay back down after using the can but gave it up after 45 minutes…Still tho, that is 16 hours of sleep in 44 hours, which isn’t too bad.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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