The Diary of a Nobody/October 11

It’s Read Free Fortnight at The Diary of a Nobody. Please use this power for good, not evil.

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, October 11
I reported for duty at the hotel and realized I’d forgotten my glasses…I am not making that up…The problem was ol’ Sparrow neglected to switch them from the flannel shirt he was going to wear in to the jacket he ended up wearing in. 

It wasn’t all that cold when I headed in, really – it’s still warmer than normal – but some weather was supposed to roll in overnight and I wanted to be prepared in the morning…So I changed, from the Pendleton wool shirt to the fall jacket and my glasses were left in the shirt’s front pocket…This really isn’t that big a deal because I’ve long kept a spare pair of glasses in my box at the hotel for exactly this instance however they were nowhere to be found…I am not making that up, either…Fortunately, there was a pair of readers knocking around the back office and they were a fine substitute…They only problem was they were more appropriate for an old lady than a dashing older gentleman, but you can’t really nitpick here…It would have been possible to get thru the night’s work without glasses, but it would have tuff and you’re not a night auditor because you like overcoming workplace challenges…No…You’re in the night audit racket because you like the hours and the work is generally not too noxious.

(As it was, the colder weather’s flight must have been delayed or something because it was still warm when I left and a quick check of the forecast showed it wouldn’t be favoring us with an appearance until this afternoon.)

Still sickies, too…The sore throat is gone and has been replaced with a nose that is producing snot by the metric ton…There are no virus symptoms, tho…Breathing is normal and there aren’t any chills or fever or anything like that…It is merely Sparrow’s Annual Cold (SAC).

We are still sold out most nights and this is starting to cause problems with those who need to extend their stay and are unable to…In fact, there is a sheet at the front desk listing the half-dozen or so guests who need to extend…About 0630 a working guy comes up saying he talked with “some guy” about extending until Friday and hadn’t heard anything…He tried to look mencacing too, staring at me as if trying to establish dominance…I thought perhaps he was trying to bully his way into an extension, but then I checked the list and he was at the bottom of it, so I told him we were sold out when he requested an extension and we still are and we will keep him posted…He didn’t take this well, but he didn’t open fire, either. 

The knife got some good work today…Recall its usage is predicted to drop considerably since we no longer are obliged to set up breakfast, but there were two creamer boxes to open this morning and the knife was there, as always, ready for duty.

In paperwork news, there was a printed form to fill out for the half-off breakfast vouchers, today, too…We’re offering a voucher for half-off breakfast in the restaurant (one per room, maximum $10 value) and recall yesterday we merely wrote the room number and guest name in the logbook, but today there was a printed form that required room number, check-in and check-out dates and the number of vouchers issued…(We are still obliged to write down the room number, last name and date on the slip itself.)…Offhand, this made no sense because while I’m hardly Mr Bookkeeping I don’t see where anyone’s check-in and check-out dates mean anything when it comes to getting half-off your morning meal, but it’s not my form and I am not responsible for tabulating or entering any numbers…Amy let it be known she wasn’t entirely thrilled with it, either, and took no small amount of time to explain the Amy System (AS) to me, but I didn’t understand it at all, merely standing there and looking at her like an idiot. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0830 Sunday until 1530 Sunday…7.0 hours for the day, a fine start to the news sleep week.

The big news is yours truly slept straight thru…I am not making that up: there was not one trip to the can, something that hasn’t happened since the Revolution…Key has been the raw veggies I’m been eating the past few days…Some broccoli, celery, green peppers plus, sometimes, a can of peas. 

The most immediate effect was the occasional bursts of thirstiness disappeared, the very next day, too…I am not drinking half the water I used to and I am urinating a lot less, so it would follow a straight-thru night would be inevitable…We’ll see if it lasts…It could be the nighttime cold medicine I took completely knocked me out, too. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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