The Thought for the Day – Andrew Johnson

…and for my country, whether right or wrong, I am for my country always. – Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson was the 17th President of the United States, inaugurated after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in April 1865. A native of North Carolina, Johnson settled in Tennessee and prospered as a tailor, serving his state in the legislature, as governor and in both houses of Congress before his election as vice president. Determined to follow Lincoln’s reconstruction path following the Civil War, Johnson was opposed by what History refers to as the Radical Republicans in Congress and was the first president to be impeached and tried by the Senate, avoiding removal from office by a single vote.

Our own personal theory is that while Johnson would have benefited from some upgraded people skills, he was a man who knew what he wanted and didn’t turn back at the first reverses. He stuck up for what he believed in and did not deserve to be impeached. Today’s quote comes from the earliest days of our quotebook, the fourth entry.

We’re as patriotic as anyone else. We served our country honorably on an old diesel submarine and still serve commanding our American Legion post and district. We appreciate living in this country and feel what Warren Buffett said about being born in America being much like winning the lottery has more than a little merit.   

Our country, however, is not entitled to our blind support. As citizens, we have an obligation to pay attention to what our government is doing, and to take action when we think our country is wrong.

Our country needs our help now more than ever. No matter what party, if any, we belong to, to think our government is anything other than partisan, fractured and bickering mess is folly. Nothing of substance is getting done and, frankly, nothing of substance is on the horizon. We will always get the government we elect, and we will continue to get partisan, fractured and bickering as long as we continue to tolerate it on Election Day.

I am for my country always…

All of us – you and me, we the people – have a collective responsibility to be demanding, concerned and participating citizens and to hold our elected leaders accountable. It is the very best way to always be for our country.  

The Thought for the Day runs regularly. All quotes are from Gaylon’s private stock.

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