The Daily Dose/Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Daily Dose/January 30, 2022
By Gaylon Kent – America’s Funniest Guy™

The Sunday Bottom 5
A ranking of some things. 

1. USA! USA! The US has been at war every day for over 30 years so of course we’re going to butt in in the Russia/Ukraine imbroglio…It’s what we do: fail to heed the lessons of the past that show US interference does no good and that the only dividend war provides is more war…We deserve better than this, but Americans currently not demanding better. 

2. Tom Brady Still officially undecided about retirement, SB5 pollsters never believed initial announcement, wondering why Brady, still healthy and still good, would turn his back on his life’s work.  

3. Donald Trump The 3-hole staple remains a lying sexual predator who believes that 1) the moon is part of Mars and that 2) the Revolution was won by Continental Army securing British airports, ignorance almost beyond comprehension in anyone older than five…SB5 pollsters still curious as to which of these elements continues to secure GOP support.  

4. President Joe Biden – President Biden’s avatar should be a token after announcing he will appoint a Black woman to the Supreme Court…While not lawyers, SB5 pollsters “strongly suspect” that while there’s no shortage of qualified Black women for seat, declaring this in advance diminishes the seat, the nominee and the presidency. 

5. President Joe Biden Fact CheckWhile not the consummate liar his predecessor was/is, Mr Biden does his own admirable job of stretching the facts this week…Click here for the latest, courtesy of the AP. 

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

Read Free Sunday (RFS) will return.

The Diary of a Nobody – At the hotel, Sparrow deals with a persnickety guest. Today’s Diary. 

Then she tried to make this my fault by noting that if the room went unoccupied the hotel would lose money, which shows her ignorance because we’re paid whether the room is vacant or manned by the 5th Marines…


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On This Date
History’s long march. 

In 1862 – The USS Monitor, the first ironclad warship in the US Navy, is launched in Brooklyn. She was commissioned in February and in March saw action at the Battle of Hampton Roads in the Civil War, where she fought the CSS Virginia to a draw. The Monitor would serve the Union until December 31, when she was lost at sea during a storm off the North Carolina coast. The ironclads would eventually evolve into the steel-hulled warships we have today. 

In 1948 – The fifth Winter Olympics open in St Moritz, Switzerland, the first Winter Games since 1936 because of World War II. Norway and Sweden each won four gold medals, Canada won their fifth consecutive ice hockey gold medal and the US won gold medals in the women’s slalom, men’s figure skating, and bobsleigh. The games were held without the participation of Japan and Germany, who were still ostracized by the international community for their roles in World War II and it was the second Winter Games for St Moritz, which had also hosted the 1928 Winter Games. 

In 1988 – INXS is at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the only week with Need You Tonight. It was the second of nine Top 40 hits for the group, their second of seven Top 10 hits, and remains their only #1 song. The song also peaked at #3 in their native Australia, at #2 in Great Britain and at #73 on Billboard’s soul chart. A version by the Rogue Traders – retitled One of My Kind – peaked at #10 in Australia in 2003.

Some Philosophy Crap
The wisdom of the ages. Whatever.

…there are many who confine themselves to criticism of the way others do what they themselves dare not even attempt…these are marks, not…of superiority but of weakness. They mark the men…who seek…to hide from others and from themselves their own weakness. The role is easy…
Theodore Roosevelt
The Man in the Arena speech
Paris, 1910

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Knowledge is power.

36 nations competed in the 1964 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria.  

Today’s Stumper
Match wits with Gaylon. It’s not that hard.

Which nation holds the record for most gold medals at the Winter Olympics? – Answer next time!  


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