The Daily Dose/Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Daily Dose/September 8, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

The Sunday Bottom 5
The very best of the very worst of the week that was: 

1. President TrumpMoon is part of Mars, Continental Army won Revolution by taking out British airports, it would follow president would believe hurricane closing in on Bahamas, Carolinas, would hit Alabama, which even your average KKK grand wizard knows is completely whack…We elected this. 

2. NFLPlayers Association, which does not want to add more games to schedule, plans to propose letting results of domestic violence encounters count in standings…Tie games still possible as league, after a century in business, still unable to ensure every game has a winner. 

3. Basketball World CupAmerican third-stringers undefeated at tournament, with spot in quarterfinals secured…With Coach K retirement, Sunday Bottom 5 pollsters scrambling for information on this Coach Popovich dude, wondering if he’s any good. 

4. Indian Space ProgramSunday Bottom 5 pollsters wanted to poke fun at Indian mission to moon that crash-landed in failure this week, however they’re still “pretty sure” Americans can’t send anything into space anymore, so are holding off, adding that anyone who brings American flag previously on moon to Sunday B-5 headquarters could be eligible for fabulous prizes. 

5. President Trump Fact CheckClick here for our weekly recap of the latest misinformation from a president either unwilling or unable to get his facts straight.

Today At The Site
The Diary of a Nobody The Wife plans to spend the day watching dogs herd sheep. Today’s Diary. 

The Wife planned to spend the day at something known as the stock dog trials, or some such nonsense, in a town south of here…The Wife drug me to one when we first got to town years ago and it’s as dull as it sounds: humans, who should know better, barking commands to dogs who then try to influence sheep…When we went they started trotting out the youngsters towards the end, and it was puppies trying to herd lambs which, while interesting to the five people with a technical interest in this, was even more boring, if that’s possible. 

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

More drivel!
Click on the button to read all of The Diary of a Nobody. 

 $5.99 includes all entries, past, present, and future. 

Hut, hut hike: It’s Bottom Ten time. Click here to read the hilarious first two (2) weeks.

On This Date
In 1966 – The iconic television show Star Trek makes its American television debut. The show chronicles the travels of the starship Enterprise and the adventures of her crew, commanded by Captain James T, Kirk, played by William Shatner. Though Star Trek was canceled by NBC after three seasons, the series went into syndication almost immediately where it was more popular than it was on network TV, later spawning six other television series and 13 movies. Star Trek had actually premiered two days earlier in Canada. 

In 1896- The Baltimore Orioles win two games from the Louisville Colonels, 10-9 and 3-1, in National League action. The day before, the Orioles had swept a tripleheader from the Colonels, with both teams establishing major league records for most wins and losses on consecutive days that, due to current rules, can never be broken. With the five losses, the Colonels fell to 53 games behind the first-place Orioles in the National League. Both the Orioles and the Colonels were dropped by the National League after the 1899 season. 

In 1984 – Tina Turner is at #1 on Billboard’s Hot 100 for the second of three consecutive weeks with What’s Love Got To Do With It? It was Turner’s second Top 40 solo hit and remains her only appearance at #1 on a major Billboard singles or album chart. The song also went to #1 in Canada and Australia, was Billboard’s second biggest song of the year and the 20th biggest of the 1980s. It also won Grammy Awards for Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.

I am not what I would want to be. That is why, to tell the truth, I have failed.
Gore Vidal

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
The other instance of different versions of the same song following each other at #1 on a Billboard pop chart came in 1945, when It’s Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James and His Orchestra with Kitty Kallen preceded a version Bing Crosby with Les Paul and His Trio at #1 on the Best Sellers in Stores chart. 

Today’s Stumper
How many tripleheaders have been played in major league history? – Answer next time!


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