The Diary of a Nobody – Monday, April 23, 2018

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Monday, April 23
There doesn’t seem to have been much movement on the robin’s nest front the past day or so…There are still twigs and stuff being staged on the side porch, and there is a long twig/grass thingy now hanging down from last year’s nest, but not much else and certainly not a robin sighting…Well, we see them flying around, of course, but we haven’t seen one fly out of the nest when we open the kitchen door…Maybe they’re consulting with a designer and still deciding whether to tear down the old nest and rebuild or remodel the current nest.

The lights were on in the abandoned coffee shop next door!!!…I am not making that up!!!

I saw them when I pulled out for work tonight and it is plain there is something going on inside…We’re not entirely certain what it is…Car Rental Place – based on the Dollar Rent-A-Car sign we saw in the back of a truck last week – remains the best guess, of course, and it is logical, based on the fact the airport is nearby…There wasn’t any actual work going on, of course, but the lights on means someone cared enough to turn the power on and they don’t want anyone snooping around inside after dark.

There are signs things are changing, too…The extended covered parking shelter is coming down and moderately interesting is what their plans are for the abandoned house on the property because I saw its front door open a couple of days ago…I suppose I could go hang out with Ken at the post office or make a pest of myself at the diner and find out, but I can’t be bothered to do that…Besides, it’s more fun to piece it together this way.

We were about one-third full at Hotel B last night and I didn’t see a guest from the time I arrived till the first couple of folks started trickling in for breakfast just after 6am…Please note there is no danger of me spilling scrambled eggs at Hotel B like I did at Hotel A Sunday morning because I don’t actually cook anything at Hotel B…At 5am I start setting up for breakfast, but I just put the bagels and muffins and whatnot out, plus dig the cereal dispenser out of the closet and make sure the waffle irons are turned on…In the winter, when we’re packed and people are tracking their muck everywhere, I’ll mop the hallway and breakfast room, too.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 8:30am Monday to 3:30pm Monday…Seven hours…Thought it might be more because with all-you-can-get sleep today I took a PM tablet, which can usually be counted on to keep me from having to get up and use the can after four hours…What’s almost interesting is I woke up feeling really good thinking it had to be mid-afternoon or, at least, early afternoon or maybe even early-mid afternoon – certainly not late afternoon, though – but I rolled over to look at the clock and it wasn’t even 10:30am yet!!!…I am not making that up!!!

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.


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