The Diary of a Nobody/November 1

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Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, November 1
Drove The Wife into town today so she could meet up with some comrades she is going to a conference in the big city with…As usual, she waited till very last minute to pack…The line from The Wife:  

I waited just long enough to panic…

This is par for the course…What was unusual is she didn’t pack enough for a long voyage, everything fit in the suitcase, utterly unprecedented for a weekend trip because I’ve seen her pack more stuff going to work…This included packing her sleep machine, too…I still, however, maintain she forgot toiletries…She denied this, but her toothpaste and a toothbrush are still in the bathroom, tho it should be noted The Wife has assorted toothbrushes…Besides, they sell toiletries in the big city, as I know firsthand from forgetting my own shaving kit in the past.

Bought a new wallet today!!!

I am not making that up…I really didn’t need one – yet –  but there was a small hole in one of the corners of the old one and I would have to get a new one anyway and The Wife was gone and in no position to stop me and I just happened to be in the next county so it was a simple matter to add the farm and ranch store to the itinerary.

I couldn’t find the wallets right off, so I went to and asked a nice lady my age – I almost said older – named Amaria where they were…I told her, scratching my chin, that while I wasn’t in immediate need of a new wallet, if I could find one I liked, well, you know, I would need a new one sooner or later…Amaria (pronounced uh-MAR-ee-uh) took command from there…She closed down her register and escorted to me to wallet cabinet, which was locked…She opened it and I selected a handful for initial consideration…After considering each I selected two to advance to the second round and from there I decided on a light brown bifold deal…It’s a bit bigger than the old one, but I gave it a test run in the back pocket before buying it and it fit great…I transferred everything over in the car.

My rationale for being in the next county was kinda tenuous…Officially, I drove out to go to the retailer out there…It is bigger than the retailer in town and they have a mouthwash I like and I was out so that was the official reason…It’s tenuous because I could have easily ordered the mouthwash online and had it delivered to the retailer in town…Lord knows I’m there often enough…But if I’d done that I would not have been able to have lunch at my fave Mexican joint which, of course, just happens to be in the next county, too.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 2300 (or so) Wednesday night until 0900 Thursday…10 hours – at least…I’ll tell you what, last night ended well, who can argue with ten hours, but I actually first went to bed about 1900 or so…Sleep was hard to come by, tho, probably due to the afternoon map, and I had even taken a PM…So I turned the light back on read some more and the 2300 doze off time is approximate…

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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