The Diary of a Nobody/October 17

Read Free Fortnight continues!

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Wednesday, October 17
I went in to see Candace at the new hotel today to for a tour and to fill out the paperwork attendant with starting a new job. It’s a fair size hotel, 117 rooms plus an attached restaurant, Rex’s, which is pretty good…Between an email account and assorted company programs I already have 793 usernames and passwords…We weren’t able to set a date to start training because I am pretty booked workplace-wise for the next few days, but it will work itself out.

I was sort of worried about breaking the news to Puja but, like most things in life, this worked out, too…I told her I couldn’t do two graveyards and three swing shifts like she wanted me to do…It was too difficult coordinating sleep and a schedule at the retailer which is true enough tho, to be honest, I didn’t spend too much time fretting over this: I knew from past experience….She said that was no problem because Nicole – yes, the same Nicole that used to work here – is coming back and me only working Friday and Saturday nights would allow her (Puja) to offer her (Nicole) five shifts a week.

Worked swing shift at the hotel today and we were pretty busy…Sold out, with 15 arrivals and one housekeeper was in vacation so not all the rooms were clean when I got there which could be a problem if everyone arrived at once but which turned out to be no big deal because everyone filtered in thru the night.

Friends, when requesting rates please, for the love of all that is sacred, specify an arrival date…Hotel rooms are the classic supply and demand commodity and our rates vary and don’t try to play Gotcha by holding us to a slow season rate in the middle of winter…It won’t work…This one guy called looking for a room with three beds, which we have, but it was just a general inquiry and I told him we were sold out for tonight and then he asked what the rate was and I said it varies…There are no “general” rates, just like there is not a reserve list when I tell you we are sold out…If we are almost booked bend over because you are going to take it in the shorts because if I don’t rent the room to you I will rent it to the guy who comes in five minutes after you leave…On the other hand, if there are five people in-house you can all but name your price…You have us over a barrel.

Had a video conference with Jay, the kid who is campaign manager for Sparrow For Congress…Ballots went out this week and we are going to start doing some advertising on Faceplant…We’ve only raised a couple of hundred dollars so it won’t be too much, but the good thing about Faceplant is you can target the ads and rather specifically, too

The only downside is Faceplant makes you jump thru some hoops to run ads tho I am not entirely certain what they are because I didn’t jump thru them Jay jumped thru them…This means I am unable to pay for them, only Jay can, so I bought a prepaid debit card and sent him the numbers on it.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0030 Wednesday until 1030 Wednesday…No sleep management today, it was all you could get rest and I was so committed to a good sleep session I even took a PM…I did wake up the usual couple-three times to use the can but I went back to sleep almost immediately and when 1030 rolled around I decided it was probably time to get up…I had to meet Candace at 1330 and I do not move on a dime and I like a proper morning routine.

The weekly total is at 26.5 hours.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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