The Diary of a Nobody/October 25

Read Free Fortnight continues!

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, October 25
The Wife filled out her ballot today…As she has done in the past, we sat down at the dinner table and she read every name and every measure out loud…My Congressional race led off and there aren’t a whole lot of women who have the chance to vote for their husbands for the United States House of Representatives, and The Wife took full advantage of this opportunity.

She also paid special attention to the two measures that concerned our small town’s school district because she neglected to vote two years ago and a measure she favored won by only a few votes, so she was determined this year. As usual, she voted for the women and judges looking to be retained had a tuff go, unless the judge was a woman, of course…Statutes that started “Shall taxes be increased…” found favor, too and my votes will cancel out about a quarter of her votes and afterward I joked that giving careful consideration to every measure really wasn’t what the white males of this country had in mind when they gave chicks the vote, they were really just supposed to vote how their husbands voted and she gave me the finger.  

For the record, I haven’t voted yet…I’ll probably do so at the courthouse, maybe tomorrow, because I like standing in a booth and voting.

The second set of Sparrow For Congress ads began on Faceplant tonight…I told Jay to run them through the end of the month and to spend whatever remained in the account because according to one news report I read people are voting early left and right this year so there’s no sense waiting till the end.

Did another eight-hour day shift training at Hotel C today…I usually take Thursdays off but this was really the only good time to go in for day shift training, which you need some of even if you were only hired to do graveyards twice a week…I splurged for lunch at the restaurant…Candace, the front desk manager, took me over to introduce me and they had a Stromboli special and regular readers of this crap my love of Strombolis is exceeded by not too much else…It was not as good as the one at the local diner but it was still really good even it was only about a fifth the size the one at the diner.

Towards the end Aaron the Maintenance Guy gave me a tour of the alarm panels and places to shut off the water and what not…I was grateful, not that I knew what the hell he was talking about, but merely because knowing where these things are is better than not knowing where they are…Otherwise, I spent most of the day taking online training courses…They were useful but boy, were they dry…They had people with voices who sounded like they were announcing water boiling, who would have sounded boring doing closing pages at the retailer.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 2000 Wednesday until 0530 Thursday…I was up a bit earlier, actually, before the alarm, but you know how I like to round time up or down…I was very pleased with the 9.5 hour total (33 for the week) because I needed every one of them…I’ll tell you what, Friday I start the usual routine again, the retailer and five graveyard shifts at both hotels and, of course, back to sleeping days again and I can’t wait…It will be good to be back to normal again.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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