The Diary of a Nobody – Thu 5/31/18

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, May 31
My plan today was to make personalized videos for friends encouraging them to contribute to Sparrow for Congress…I would make them on my iPhone from here at Studio 2B and send them via messenger…Tragically, it soon became plain I would be unable to do that.

I tried…I had a good script that talked about our government being as good as we chose to make it and that I was running because I wanted better in the government department than what we have now…It was pure Sparrow, friendly yet serious.

Now, of course, I had field tested the system first and I found it was possible to make a video on my iPhone and send it in messenger, however, the video I made for the field test was only a few seconds long and it turned out the one minute or so videos I had planned were bigger than what messenger allowed…So I kept shortening them…I was able to produce one about 25 seconds long that was still personable and relevant and even that produced a file that was still too large…I tried shortening it some more but soon it became clear that anything more than “Howdy…” would be pressing it, so I began looking for other ways to do it.

The easiest way was to record a video, upload to the Sparrow For Congress page, the get the link and send it to everyone, along with a personal, written message…I will do this tomorrow.

Still no word from the mower repair shop…I was hoping to hear from them today, so I could pick it up and get the lawn mowed before I start working again Friday, but no such luck…And it’s critical to get the lawn done soonest because Devon, the kid who bought the old coffee shop next door and is turning it into a house, let the whole town know it’s on by mowing the pasture he was passing off as a lawn…Despite the fact it hadn’t been mowed for a couple of weeks, my lawn still looked good next to his but now it doesn’t…His looks better….Part of me wants to call the repair shop tomorrow, but I don’t want to be a pest.

With The Wife still gone and the Memorial Day need to fit into my dress blues gone I am back to eating like a pig again…It’s unreal…I lost a notch on my belt and felt great about that, but I still went to the diner for lunch and I didn’t have the diet plate, either…Then, about 2100 or so I was hungry again…Did I go to the kitchen and have something sensible???…Of course not…I went to the local convenience store for a couple of hot dogs…Tragically, their roller grill was closed for the night, but instead of coming home I scrounged around like a druggie looking for some hot dogs I could take home and cook….Found them, in the cooler next to the coffee station…They were $5 for a pound of them, about four bucks more than you’d pay at the retailer but there weren’t any other options: I could fork over for them, or head home empty-handed for something sensible to eat…I do give myself points for not eating the entire package, or even most of it, but still.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1730 Wednesday until 0730 Thursday…14 hours, God bless all of you…As usual, on Wednesday, I needed every one of them, too…This brings the weekly totals up to 29.5 hours, not historically low but a couple hours less than I know all of us would like to see.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

Read Gaylon’s latest: We The People: Making America America Again at



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