The Diary of a Nobody/November 13

It’s Read Free Sunday (RFS) at The Diary. 

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, November 13
There’s a hockey team in town and three guys sitting in the lobby – apparently two parents and one (young) coach – and again ol’ Sparrow could’ve made considerable extra scratch if he’d only had a cooler full of brewskies…The bar was closed and they were hardly ready to call it a nite and one came over to inquire if a cold one – or, better, several cold pones – might be obtainable…Unfortunately, no, for both them and ol’ Sparrow, because at $10 a pop BOOM, that’s some nice extra money, especially if they’re really thirsty. 

The mid-month revenue check (MMRC) showed it’s been a fairly good month so far…Room revenue was up $16K, rooms rented were up by 140 and the average daily rate (ADR) was up $15…Now, do NOT confuse this with the revenue per available room (RevPAR) figure…The former is the average rate per rooms actually rented, while the latter is revenue divided by the total rooms available. 

The big news is the hotel’s Christmas party is back this year, for Saturday, December 11…A location wasn’t mentioned, but it will be at one of the company’s restaurants and this means free booze and a shuttle to and from the hotel where there’s a comped room waiting for you…Of course, it also means ol’ Sparrow will be working that nite but recall at the last one two years ago ol’ Sparrow got Amy to work while he slept it off. 

118 – the long-term stay guy whose trailer burned down – came by about 0400, evidently just back from walking the dog because the dog was with him…Because I asked, he said the dog’s name is Nova and even tho queries weren’t made on why he was so named, yours truly was favored with the lowdown on that, too…Evidently when two stars are dying the gasses from one will overtake the other star and BOOM it explodes in a flash of white and become a supernova, and that’s how the all-white Nova got its name…Now we know, in case this ever comes up in the future. 

He did note his dog seemed to enjoy staying here, adding it wasn’t particularly easy sharing a hotel room for a couple of months with a dog…He said he was trying to get some money from the government which was both hard and humiliating, tho he added he had a line on a place and was waiting to hear back. 

I sent out a couple of book proposals to publishers this morning…One is some philosophical crap that went out under a pen name, to a publisher that happens in the college town north of the big city…The other was a rewrite of a rather short book on positions on various issues that ol’ Sparrow has trotted out since he was the Minor Party nominee for the United States Senate (the United States Senate!) in 2014…None of my positions have changed, but it’s good to update the narrative flow because I am not the same person I was seven years ago and there were some figures that needed to be updated, too. 

I used to play this game years ago, but nobody wanted to hear my voice then and there’s no particular reason to think they want to hear it now but who the hell knows.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday until 2100 Saturday…12.0 hours for the day and an even-Steven 50.0 hours for the week. 

Longtime readers of this crap know the 50-hour sleep week used to be a relative rarity but not anymore because this was the seventh such week in the eight, with only at 49.5-hour week breaking the streak…This ruffly coincides with when ol’ Sparrow started taking that Fo Ti supplement.


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

 It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

 Gaylon’s books can also be found at The Reading Salon.


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