The Diary of a Nobody/August 1

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Friday, August 12
The cat and I were pretty busy before ol’ Sparrow headed into the gym this morning because we didn’t do everything we normally do on Thursday…To wit, we didn’t get our little Tupperware deals filled with our supplements for the week and we didn’t finish our laundry…All that was taken care of, tho: our supplements are ready to go, and a full complement of underwear and undershirts and socks are folded and standing by on top of the dryer.

There was yet another Sunday Yapper sighting at the gym this morning…Actually, it was a hearing, because we never actually saw him…We were in the locker room, out of view of the entrance when we heard him say hi to John and within five seconds, literally, the Sunday Yapper had announced he had resumed chemo because his cancer had returned and then he asked John how things were going, probably so he could catch his breath, and John said his rafting business was winding down for the summer and that Bob, who owes him $400 (which I gathered was down from the original amount) was back with Amy but Amy appears to be doing drugs again – ecstasy and mushrooms are suspected – which could be why Bob hasn’t made a dent in his $400 debt in a while…Their chat ended after the Sunday Yapper offered up his new workout regimen: a soak in his preferred hot spring, some time in the sauna (which is in the upstairs locker room), swimming some laps, and then another soak in the heart spring…Heading out for his soak, he added he had a 0900 AA meeting to go to, which was better than being at the booze store when it opened. 

The big news is we upped the cardio settings on the treadmill…Recall we’re doing some interval training, adjusting the incline: doing two minutes at 4.0 and one minute on 10.0 at speed 3.3…Well, the body’s adjusted to that and the heart rate seldom gets past 130 BPM…We’re looking to work a little harder, so we upped the incline levels to 5.0/11.0 and the heart rate responded accordingly, with BPMs in the upper 130s, but not going over the dreaded 140 mark. 

Mike was early, by almost four hours, for his appointment at the veterans service office (VSO) today…Recall he’s the vet who was in Iraq and has asthma, and under the new law the VA is going to presume his asthma was caused by being exposed to burn pit exposure in the sandbox…We were going to file the claim today, but his civilian doctor hadn’t produced his records yet and his marriage certificate and the birth certificates of his kids are locked in a safe they are unable to access right now…Well, those keeping score at home know this isn’t that big of a deal…He did have his DD-214 with him, so we made a copy of that and filled out and sent in a power of attorney form and an Intent to File, which tells the VA hey, look, we’re going to send a claim in shortly, but we’re not quite ready yet and by sending it in today we reserve today as the date of award, in case, for when, the VA approves the claim. 

The big news is we cleaned up our desk…We have a tendency to put completed paperwork off to the left and it doesn’t take long before the pile is pretty high…And judging by the date of the paperwork at the bottom of the stack, the last time my desk had been cleaned up was the first of the year…We also cleaned out the In/Out basket, which was stuffed with crap that wasn’t going either in nor out. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log:
1730 Thursday until 0130 Friday
1730 Friday until 2130 Friday

11.0 hours for the day and 41.5 hours for the week, a solid total heading into Saturday’s final sleep session of the week.


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!

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