The Diary of a Nobody/February 11

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Friday, February 11
The big news is the cat returned to her bed on ol’ Sparrow’s desk this morning…Completely out of the blue, too. 

The cat has two beds in the cabin, the one on my desk and the one on top of a living room bookcase and over the years she’s alternated which one she’s used…They’re never used at the same time, either; one is always in favor while the other one is ignored. 

Almost interesting is the fact she hasn’t used either one for a while…She stopped using the bookcase bed after the couch became accessible again and seemed content there because it was only a few feet from the heater but this morning she got up from her morning session on my desk where she supervises morning project work and started sniffing and pawing around the desk bed, which had used for well over a year. 

She didn’t stand in it immediately, tho…After pawing it for a minute or two, she walked around the desk again before going and standing in it and when that didn’t produce immediate catastrophe she laid down and started grooming herself…After an extended session of this, she finally curled up and went to sleep.  

Yours truly had a pretty good troika in the gym this morning…Weights were solid, especially considering it had been a week since I’d been in and cardio was strong, too, with ol’ Sparrow still upping the one-minute intervals a lot, starting at level 8 and ending at level 18 for the final minute.

The big news in my fave hot spring had some – tho not all  – of its jets working this morning…Recall one half has been out for a month or so and last Friday none of them were on, which really wasn’t that bad…I mean, the temperature’s the same regardless of whether or not there are bubbles but, on all candor, bubbles are good for morale and it was nice to see half of them working.

Madam Public Health Director was in for her usual Friday 0700 soak…She reported that it is warm enuff now that she can ride her bike to work now without having to worry too much about ice…I probably should’ve asked her about the jets in the other half of the hot tub because she is on the gym’s executive board, but yours truly didn’t think of it. 

It was slow at the veterans service office (VSO) today…There was another email from Liz, to me and another vet, introducing us…Liz noted the vet is a single dad with two teenagers – pretty much my personal definition of hell – and it advised him that I could help him with VA education benefits and other things as well. 

Well, this is not entirely true…Yours truly, honestly, knows squat (doesn’t know squat?) about VA education benefits, tho this isn’t a problem because every college keeps an expert on staff…But I emailed the guy and said I was standing by to be of service, briefly detailing what I could do for him…I emailed Liz this tidbit, too, and she wrote back saying he’d noted he would probably have to be pestered about coming in, but – as you would expect of someone with 13 years of Lutheran schooling – ol’ Sparrow’s not a pesterer so if he calls, great, if not, that’s OK, too…I’m a humble civil servant and not a commissioned salesman.  

I bought an ergonomic mouse today, too…While trying to buy one in the big city I test drove a couple of them – none of them in stock of course – and my fave was the one at the 57-degree angle that had a trackball for your tumb to navigate with, so you actually didn’t have to move the mouse…$57 and the big news is I have both jobs looking into getting me one of these so ol’ Sparrow won’t have to lug one around from job to job and back home again. 

Stanko, the Legion district adjutant stopped by for some paperwork for District Commander Sparrow to sign…I asked him if we were going to make Tina district commander at the spring meeting – because he really decides these things – and in a surprise, he said this decision was up to me…All right…I’ve been district commander for five terms – maybe six, I forget – and that’s enuff and I said it was OK with me to have Tina run next year. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log:
1630 Thursday until 0130 Friday
1630 Monday until 2130 Friday

14.0 hours for the day and 41.0 hours for the week…The 14 hours might well be a Friday record – God bless all of you – in no small part because yours truly was a rascal and knocked early from the VSO today…The 41 hours is, of course, a fine figure heading into Saturday’s final sleep session of the week (FSSW). 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

 It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

 Gaylon’s books can also be found at The Reading Salon.

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