The Diary of a Nobody/July 5

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, July 5
There’s been a $1 bill with the letters (initials?) “BD” written in black Sharpie in the left cash drawer all week long…Initially, it was loose but a couple of nites ago we put it on top of the bottom of three stacks of 25 ones and it was still there today and it will be interesting to see how long it lasts…Or it may not be…I’m committed to finding out either way. 

That it was a fairly slow holiday weekend is reflected in the numbers compared to the same period last year…Revenue is already down 2K on about 500 or so fewer rooms and the average daily rate (ADR; rooms rented/room revenue) really took a dive, down to $178 from $282 last year.

Who knows why???…The fourth was on a Sunday last year, so maybe that helped, but maybe not…I mean, a three-dayer is a three-dayer, regardless of the day the 4th falls on, altho now that we think about it, $5-a-gallon gas probably didn’t help matters, either. 

As anticipated, the credit card machine at the left station is still down and our hopes there might be a spare one lying around somewhere have been dashed because there isn’t…Chris reported that another one is on the way, but it wasn’t clear if it was shipped today or will be later and yours truly wasn’t thoughtful enuff to press the matter. 

This will cause no small amount of fun later today when our four dozen arrivals start checking in…Now, we were thinking that we could authorize credit cards beforehand, but neither Tammy nor yours truly could remember if that would negate the need to use the credit card machine at check-in or not…If we billed the credit card so a deposit for the entire stay was on file then it would, but hotels generally aren’t in the habit of doing that, unless the guest asks to pay for their entire stay in advance…Now that we think about it, tho, we could take the credit card into the back office and do the check-in there…Maybe do some shopping with it, too.

We’re starting to make plans for our annual Thanksgiving trip to go see Uncle Rudy and Aunt Susy in Louisville…That’s a tradition that is now etched in stone, so the only other question is what to do with our other week of vacation…We’re thinking of a couple of things right now. 

The first is to go back to LA…Recall we went there last year after Thanksgiving for a family reunion that went splendidly…We also saw some old friends and it would be nice to do that again but the real reason to go back would be to do some things we weren’t able to do last year because of COVID, namely go to Disneyland and certain restaurants…If we do this, we’d probably fly in and out of Sin City and rent a car, so we could spend a couple of days there, too. 

The other plan is to go to Wisconsin…Recall Jeffrey bought a rambling, old house on 15 acres in the northern part of the state and he’s invited me up…There is also a reeaaalllly nice resort in Kohler it would be nice to spend a couple of days at beforehand…We’ve been to Wisconsin before and have always liked it…Heck, we’ve even umpired there, years ago and seen a concert at the state capitol that featured cannons going off. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Tuesday until 2100 Tuesday…12.0 hours for the day and 23.0 hours for the week, not the highest Tuesday total (TT) ever, but it’s certainly workable…We did wake up about 1600 or so to use the can and were moderately worried about getting back to sleep, but it was needless worry, as a patented Sparrow Roll Over (SRO) did its work well and got us back to sleep in short order. 

Recall we had a long day Friday driving a vet to the VA hospital south of here and we have another roundtrip scheduled for tomorrow, so the goal was to take it easy in the days in between…Mission accomplished…Well, except for mowing the lawn Monday, which took some work but there, too, it provided the dividend of peace of mind that the lawn looked sharp and was also freshly watered. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

 It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!

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