The Diary of a Nobody/March 10

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, March 10
I hate springing forward…We don’t really have an opinion one way or the other on daylight saving time – we’ve never not had it, so it’s part of the family – but going from 0200 to 0300 really throws your schedule off regardless of how the nite’s going. 

If you’re having a busy nite, losing an hour makes you an hour busier…Tonite we weren’t busy…Hell, we were having a very leisurely nite…We were back from the hotel a bit before 0100 and we ate and did some project work and we were an hour ahead of schedule when BOOM it was 0300 and we’d gone from a leisurely to one that was more or less on schedule…The next thing you know it was time to get Morning Coffee Service (MCS) ready and you’re wondering where the hell the nite went. 

The one thing you have to remember when the time changes is, for goodness sake, to change the time on the PBX console because if you don’t wake up, calls won’t go off on time…We’re pretty good about this, tho that hasn’t always been the case…There were times when we’d forget until after the time change, but now we were at the console waiting at 0159/0300…Preparatory to that we made sign that said “CHANGE PBX CLOCK” just to be safe…Everyone made it in on time, too…Tammy was in at her usual time, and the restaurant cooks were, too, tho they didn’t seem too happy about it…Tammy also announced she had forgotten about the time change, but her phone is her alarm clock and that changes automatically, so it all worked out. 

The big news is we are out of coffee…I am not making that up…Actually, we were out yesterday and we’re darn near out when we left for our days off Tuesday morning…We would’ve mentioned this in yesterday’s entry, but it seemed to have gotten lost in the cacophony of that guy hitting on the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM)…We had some leftover European blend and there was a case of some new. black-label coffee in the back office coffee room (BOCR), and I suppose we could steal some from the restaurant at need…We should have a delivery on Monday, bringing us back to normal. 

Those keeping score at home, however, may be figuring that the labels on the coffee pot might not quite match the coffee actually in the pot…Those scorecards are correct: the black-label coffee was in both the European blend and French roast pots…(By the by, if any guest noticed the difference, they kept it do themselves; we certainly didn’t tell them.)

We met Anthony, the new Engineering boss, today…We’d had no idea we’d hired one, but he walked in about 0730 or so and Tammy greeted him familiarly and we asked who that was and she said the new maintenance chief…He came here from a hotel in the Midwest and he’s familiar with the area, having come up here from time to time to help out a hotel in town that was recently turned into residential housing…(Longtime readers of this crap may – or they may not – recall we dealt with these places when we were at the VSO and had veterans to house…The quarters are small and most don’t have kitchenettes, tho common areas help alleviate this situation somewhat…The rent is high, too, about $1,700 or so, depending on the place.)

There was more +1 strength in the gym tonite and we’re at the point where we have to ask ourselves if the +1 workout is the new standard…You want to be careful, of course, and while we’re hardly Arnold, four consecutive +1 workouts probably tend to indicate you’re getting stronger…Ultimately, of course, it doesn’t really matter: as long as the tenth rep on the final set is failure you’re doing your work and the actual weight is irrelevant…It’s good for morale tho – especially at 58 – to know you’re upping weight. 

Towards the end this young couple came in and, after some preliminary lunges, the gal went to that new machine, the one with a seat for sitting down on and a large plate for your feet, a large, Velcro belt, and handles on the side for barbels whose purpose has always been a mystery to us…Well, it turns out it’s an ab machine…The gal laid back on the seat, put her feet on the platform, before strapping the belt across her waist which, it turns out, provides the resistance when you move your hips up and down…You want to be careful not to get caught scoping the gal out because she’s lying flat and making motions that would cause some guys to leave dollar bills, but we were done and in the lobby and could conduct recon without being noticed.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1000 Sunday until 1700 Sunday…7.0 hours for the day, a satisfactory, if hardly spectacular, start to the sleep week…This gave us plenty of time for the workout we slept thru Sautrday and if this is the new reality, we can work with it.  


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!

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