The Diary of a Nobody/February 14

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, February 14
Look, when I tell you a certain breakfast sausage is good, you should believe me because I have some street cred in this matter and I don’t have street cred in everything…For example, if I were to tell you a certain type of motor oil is really good you should feel free to ignore that because I know squat about motor oil.

However, when I say The Wife made some of the breakfast sausage ever, you can depend on that…She had bought it at the butcher in the next county we go to sometimes and after I raved about it she said she had added some things…I forget exactly what, but one of the spices was nutmeg, which caused me to shake my head knowingly…That was it, the spice that made it a cut above because I’ll tell you what, enter it in the Breakfast Sausage Olympics and it’s on the medal stand…Don’t doubt that.

The Wife didn’t just make sausage for breakfast, of course…We split one of her famous cheese omelets and she made home fries – which she actually bakes – and she made bacon, also from the butcher, but without any aftermarket seasonings added…Toast, too.

After my nap, we headed into town to pick up her car at the dealer…The repair was done, but they neglected to wash her car like they said they would and they only did it after The Wife made a stink and threatened to leave them a lousy review at the online survey they wanted her to take…I hate this place…I wanted to call in air strikes because they tried to sell me a car while I was waiting just like they did last time, but my role as Legion district commander doesn’t include commanding an air wing.  

After that, we went and soaked in the hot springs…The Wife is a member, of course, but it cost me a few bucks to tag along, well worth it because they are world-class hot springs to soak in…The heart spring, which is directly from the hot spring and untreated and not as warm as I recall, but one of the other ones, which is chlorinated and heated, almost cooked you it was so hot, which is how I like it…Their remodel is still going on, and they were busy, of course, so we had to park five miles away, which almost made us late for our Valentine’s dinner at the steakhouse.

Almost, but not quite…The hot springs are right at the edge of downtown and to get to the steakhouse you’d normally turn left, but it was after 1700 and downtown was packed and to make a left turn across traffic would require cooperation from more people than I could probably count on…So I made a right turn into the right turn lane that goes in front of the post office, stayed in it and turned right on Fourth Street and hooked an almost-immediate u-turn, which was completely unexpected, swerved into the left-turn lane, caught the light and BOOM we were on the way to dinner in as little time as we had any right to expect.

The steakhouse is pretty good…It’s in an old barn that a hundred years ago used to be on farmland at the end of town but is now next to a professional building…We dined upstairs, too, for the first time, and I ordered for my wife which I don’t get to do every day and which we both greatly enjoy…I would not have dismissed out of hand scotch or two but 1) I was driving and 2) their scotch selection is pretty average anyway.

Among other things, we talked about our impending vacation, now only 428 days away…Recall the plan is to go visit Mount Rushmore but we are already discussing additions…The Wife mentioned a couple of days ago going to a town eight hours south of here because there was a really good burger joint there…South is the opposite direction of Mount Rushmore from here and the idea is completely whack and it was my duty to shoot it down…What I suggested was mention going someplace The Wife has talked about for years: visiting the old submarine I was on at a museum in Portland, Oregon…It would add several days to the trip, but we have several days, and neither of us has been to Portland – well, I’ve driven thru – so I think it is a go.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 2130 Wednesday until 0430 Friday; 1100 Friday until 1400…Boy, I’ll tell you, getting up at 0430 has been pretty much what I’ve been shooting for the past few weeks…I put some coffee on and worked on some projects and then The Wife got up and made breakfast and then I laid down to do some reading and the next thing I know it’s 1400…Crap, I was not anticipating a nap, but I was exhausted and could have slept a lot longer.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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