The Diary of a Nobody/July 13

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, July 13
Another desk clerk and a part-time night auditor were added to the schedule at the hotel, making a total of 73 front desk personnel on staff, none of them working more than ten minutes a week…Devani, the former assistant front desk manager is back, and our friend Amy has hired on as the part-time night auditor…She appears to be getting a lot of front desk training, too, something I didn’t, because I won’t see her for night audit training until next week.

Had a tall, annoying kid come by about 0130 looking for a key to his room…We’re pretty lax here about this, laxer than I’m accustomed to, frankly, but I gave this kid a clinic in how to let someone into their room…He was here with some roommates, but it was his name on the room, which helped, but he didn’t have his ID, which is always suspicious….Now, American citizens are not, of course, required to carry ID, but who under 30 goes out for a night of partying without his ID???…He took out a wallet and, rather lamely, produced some debit cards, which when you’re tactical like I was means nothing because he could have bopped somebody on the head and taken their wallet…He did say his ID was in “the green bag on the bed” which is a pretty good sign, so I lightened up and escorted him to his room…The green bag was in the designated place and he produced a Canadian passport that wasn’t handwritten and had a pic of him, so I let him stay in the room…As I left he actually thanked me and said he appreciated the precautions I took. 

You don’t always need ID in this situation, tho…I remember working security in Sin City – and forgive me if you’ve heard this before – and I let this young lady into her room and she couldn’t find her ID…She is searching her suitcase and ultimately pulls out a pair of brown bra with white dots on them…Then she pulls up her dress to reveal the matching panties, which I declared satisfactory and moved on to my next call. 

All but sold out tonight…I had two rooms left and no inquiries all night, rare because the town is packed and usually there’s someone that needs a room…That Art in the Park deal is in town, set up in the park on the far edge of town, where you can by art nobody wants for lots of money…I try to avoid these places…The Wife and I went a few years ago and blew $90 on a bonsai plant that the cat killed within ten minutes of us getting it home…Fortunately, I sleep days now and don’t have to worry about going. 

I’m generally in the back office until 0630 or so, but when you’re this busy you got to be at the front desk earlier than that…Coffee service gets good use and needs attention and guests need breakfast coupons and the lobby is busy enuff where it is generally good to be seen.

Had a good workout today…Not a great one, no weights were upped, but the ones I upped last time stayed upped, and I was strong the whole way.

And more or less on schedule the new neighbors have moved in…Recall Jerry had said he and his wife were contractually obligated to have been out by Friday and last night as I left for the hotel I saw signs of life…One, the porch lights were on and two, there was a humongous pick-up truck parked on the street…The Wife said she actually saw them and waved, but there haven’t been any formal introductions yet…I just hope they keep their lawn mowed…They’re far enough away so that unless they fire mortar shells, nothing they do can bother us. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0930 Saturday until 1630 Saturday…7.0 hours for the day and a really nice 44.5 hours for the week…Now, regular readers of this crap know 44.5 hours isn’t a world record or anything, but it is a bit above average since the 50-hour sleep weeks stopped after I took the VSO job three months ago, and I know those keeping score at home have noticed the slight uptick in the daily Saturday total, too…God bless all of you. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name. 

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