The Diary of a Nobody/September 19

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, September 19
An excellent day off today.

`The Wife was more or less up when I got back from weight lifting and I started right in on making breakfast…Earlier in the week, The Wife had decreed we would be having hotcakes this morning, but she neglected to ID the cook, so I took charge…I got the griddle out and actually fried the bacon on it, and my fears I didn’t make enuff batter were unfounded. 

Part of breakfast included poached eggs…A couple of days ago The Wife bought a small egg poacher that she had banished from her department to the clearance aisle and, seeing as she had never poached an egg before and I had many years ago – and Pa Sparrow made them from time to time – and thought it “looks easy enuff” so I made them. 

It was easy enuff to screw up because it did not come out well…It looked like snot and when The Wife suggested I put it on a plate and we share it ol’ Sparrow said he didn’t want any part of that, my tone implying it was radioactive. 

At 1100 we both reported for duty in the back garden…At breakfast, I’d told The Wife I wasn’t in the mood to do anything, but earlier in the week I had committed to helping get the thistle weeds out of the back garden, and it wouldn’t have been nice to back out…I did tell her, tho, I would only be good for an hour-and-a-half of labor, tho. 

We got a lot accomplished, no small feat because the thistles were all over the place…But I got right to work with our weed implement: the steel rod with the thingys on the end…You stick in at the base of the weed, then lean it back on the lever that juts out from the side and BOOM, the weed is pulled out by root…It looked 100% percent by the time we were done, after which we soaked it and put some cedar mulch down and soaked it again…The Wife was very pleased, saying it’s ready for winter and should come back strong next year. 

There’s still growing going on, tho…The corn is still healthy…It’s not producing actual corn, but it’s still going strong and the cherry bush is plugging away and the flowers still look pretty…The rhubarb and strawberries, tho, have called it a year. 

After that, I showered and was on the couch reading by 1230…I’m reading a book about the six frigates that made up the first ships of the US Navy and it’s comforting to realize ships were late and over budget then, too…At 1530 I sent to the local market for some hamburger buns the evening BBQ, and some bread and I also got tater tots for dinner, too…I went back to the couch when I got back. 

The big news is that rathole for sale a few houses down Main Street they were asking an insane 180 for is off the market…Not immediately clear was why tho some research showed it as actually under contract…Hopefully, the owners are getting their asking price, which is about what The Shire is estimated to be worth…Not that we’re looking to sell The Shire…We’re not, because then we’d just have to find another place to live…But it’s good for morale to know your house is estimated to be worth about double what you paid for it. 

Speaking of The Shire, we closed on its purchase five years ago tomorrow…Regular readers of this crap know I’ve had trouble remembering anniversaries and birthdays this year, but there is still no trouble remembering that date. 

In other news, the new convenience store is coming along…The underground gas tanks were put in this week and the building is now recognizable as one the chain typically builds…There is also a help wanted banner up and I think I remember reading they want to have it open by the end of the year…The old store next door would be leveled and turned into more gas pumps. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 188 Wednesday until 0400 Thursday…10.0 hours for the night and a heroic 36 hours for the week, the highest Wednesday total since March. 

As has been the custom lately, I did not immediately get out of bed, preferring to lay and, I suppose, rest from my long slumber…I don’t know why this is…I used get up immediately upon waking but not lately…Maybe I’m weary…I’ve been working awfully long, awfully odd hours for a couple-three years now and maybe it’s taking its toll…Maybe not, tho…I take care to get my rest and I workout regularly, and Lord knows I don’t work that hard…Plus I work on my projects, which are important to me…But I’m not young anymore. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name. 

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