The Diary of a Nobody/August 29

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, August 29
The big news is Q is the new assistant front desk manager at the hotel…(I found out on Faceplant, where he’d posted it; there was nothing at the actual hotel about it.)…It was pretty funny…I bowed in deference when reporting for duty at the front desk and Q graciously bade me rise and then he graciously asked how I was so I prattled about this and that before realizing yours truly was yapping, issuing apologies for wasting his valuable time and piping down…Q stuck his nose in the air before favoring me with acknowledgment:  

You may continue to blab about your common life. 

If he remembers to leave the night auditor alone his reign will be a successful one. 

I had a freshly laundered uniform tonight, both shirts and the vest…I had taken everything home Tuesday morning but had neglected to wash them, so I was obliged to wear a civilian shirt for Wednesday morning’s shift…A creature of habit like few others, this threw me off and it was nice to be back in uniform today because the vest holds the front desk keys, known as the number two keys, in its left pocket and I keep my mask in the right pocket and both of those had to go in pants pockets, which causes me to whine…The uniform shirt – a button-up dress shirt – has the usual left pocket on the left that is useful to hold the mobile phone when I want to listen to things…Plus it’s good to have clean clothes.

More big news is there is a new item at the sundry stand!!!…I am not making that up…They were there in the lower left corner of the sundry stand freezer: a leading national brand breakfast sandwich…For quality control – to make sure our guests are getting a quality product – I tried one…It was OK…There was no price listed for them, but instead of giving them away, I asked a guy trying to buy one what he thought it should cost…Instead of joking about it and saying zero dollars, it was plain he was considering what a fair retail price would be…To ward off stroke, I chimed in. 

I’m thinking a couple of bucks…
The guy looked at me and nodded his head slowly.

Despite it being a slow night, I had a line at 0330…It started, actually, when 105 rang to see if we had an iPhone charger…Sure we do, and she advised she’d be by to pick it up…Then the bell is rung I’m thinking wow, she has teleporting skills as I sashay out and it turns out to be a gent who needs his key recharged…He said his last name and room number and it turns out he has the wrong room number…Right then the last arrival of the night shows up and then the chick from 105 comes to claim the charger and BOOM there’s your 0330 line. 

It is generally good practice to serve guests in the order they’ve presented themselves, but there are exceptions…I issued apologies and went in the back and got the charger for the girl and then returned and helped the guy needing the key, then I checked in the arrival, a couple that had requested a first-floor room…We were able to accommodate this request and I told them that with some significance, as if I were a genie granting the solving of some sacred mystery and a lot of effort had been expended to grant it.

Actually, some effort may have gone into it…A good front desk will work to accommodate your request and when Tammy assigned rooms she may have had to have done some rearranging, but I don’t know for sure. 

Finally, some rain…There was a very nice storm going when I woke up at 1600 or so, giving the lawn a good soaking ol’ Sparrow didn’t have to pay for and, perhaps, helping the fires south of here…Proof that ol’ Sparrow will whine about absolutely anything can be found in the fact he whined about this, too, because of the effect it might have on the evening walk but that was wasted whining because it was all clear an hour or so later and yours truly got in a wonderful walk in on the River Route.

Still more big news is that ol’ Sparrow is back to normal in the weight room…The only lagger has been the tricep cable pulldown and those were max weights today, the stack plus two five-pound plates…They were moved ten times, too, when we were only expecting eight, which means the weight probably could have been upped last week, but we are not going to lose any sleep over that. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0830 Saturday until 1600 Saturday…7.5 hours for the day and 43.5 hours for the week and apologies are issued for not having the monthly and rolling three-month averages…They will move tomorrow. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

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