The Thought for the Day – J.R.R. Tolkien

Do not trouble your hearts with thought of the road tonight. Maybe the paths that you each shall tread are already laid before your feet, though you do not see them. – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

 Personally, we don’t think our lives are pre-determined. There are simply too many billions of people leading too many billions of random lives for this to be the case. It doesn’t make sense. Besides, why would whomever is in charge of pre-determining our lives give some people charmed lives, some people routine lives while some get brain tumors when they’re a few months old? This doesn’t make any sense, either.

Still, though, that what is meant to happen in our lives usually does, if we are acting in concert with the abilities we were all issued at birth.

We can all do something well. This is one of the earliest lessons we can remember learning, both at school and where we played sports. Some are good at math, some at science and some can write, just like some can play baseball while others can pole vault. An annoying few seem to be able to do everything well.

However, if we are going to allow what is meant to happen in our life to happen, we have to make use of those talents. If we ignore them, we risk stumbling through our days and wasting our time on this planet.

We must have a plan for our life. The plan must be doable and challenging and must be in step with our talents.

And, as we’ve talk about ad nauseum here at The Thought for the Day, it really doesn’t matter what that plan is. The only requirement is it comes from inside, that it is a result of following our hearts and trusting our instincts.

Maybe the paths that you each shall tread are already laid before your feet, though you do not see them…

When us humans do follow our hearts and trust our instincts, what is meant to happen in our lives usually does, and what we accomplish might astound us. We will find that the fates will guide our fortunes better than we ever could. All we have to do is let them.


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