The Diary of a Nobody 12/15/16 – Drivel From Sparrow!

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Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Thursday, December 15
Made myself really useful at work today by getting the printer in the business center up and running…It had been down for a while, too…In the spring we transferred the business center from a room on the second floor of the main office to against the far wall upstairs, convenient to the pool table (a dollar a game) so you can get smacked by a cue stick as you check your email.

Actually, what a lot of people do at the business center is print out their boarding passes…We know a lot of people do this because when the printer isn’t working we do it for them at the front desk, which can be a pain in the arse, especially when it’s busy.

Anyway, Jason the Maintenance Manager gave me a phone number of someone to call…This number resulted in nothing productive, so he gave me another number…This did some zero good, too…I never got to talk to a real person and my messages weren’t returned.

So I did some research today and it turns out the company I was trying to call had been bought out…I found the company’s website and I didn’t even have to make a phone call…I did an online chat and before you could say “Tech Support” I was chatting with the guy I was supposed to have talked to on the phone in the first place, Joseph.

Joseph remotely accessed our machines and before I knew it there was a whirring from the printer and a test page was produced…Even I took this hint, and went and printed things from each computer successfully.

My new workout supplement arrived today!!!…The major league stuff I ordered a couple of days ago…I might be able to give it a test run tomorrow morning…We’ll see…It would mean being at the gym at 5:30am, but we’ve done that before.

Got a letter from the government today…Last week I had requested the military records of Grandpa Sparrow online…I got an email back saying that based on his name and dates of service his records were likely destroyed in a fire at the St Louis records center in the early 70’s but that they would send me the form to fill out and, perhaps, they could piece something together for me.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name



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