Gaylon For Congress – America Needs Our Help

Friends, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to announce that this past weekend I earned the Libertarian nomination for Congress. I will be on the ballot for Congressional District 3 (CD3) this November, seeking election to the House of Representatives.

Those familiar with my campaign know I was the Libertarian nominee for the United States Senate in 2014 and I was seeking that nomination this year. However, that the state convention this past weekend, neither Lily Tang Williams nor myself earned the nomination outright. She actually got more votes than I did and there would have been a primary election in June.

There are no guarantees in a primary, of course, and I was committed to being on the ballot this November, so I told the convention that if I was nominated for Congress, I would withdraw from the US Senate race.

This was not the most difficult nomination to secure in the history of politics. There were no other declared candidates for the CD3 nomination and I was nominated by acclimation. I then withdrew from the US Senate race.

I did this because I wanted to be on the ballot this November and by accepting the 3rd Congressional District nomination I ensured that. Had I lost the US Senate primary I would have been on the sidelines this November and America needs our help.  Besides, Ms Williams grew up in Communist China, has a very compelling story and is a great friend of liberty. It will be a treat watching her run.

The issue I plan on talking about most this election is empowerment. If any substantive changes are going to be made to the way we are governed they are going to have to come from you and me – we the people – voters that are demanding and participating.

I am running because I believe – no, know – that we can make a difference. We will always, and always means every single time, get the government we elect, and it’s time we elect good people so we can get the government we deserve. The government we want is never farther away than the next election.

The time has come for us to become concerned and conscientious citizens, citizens that hold our leaders accountable for what they’ve done to our country.

The time has come for us to stop throwing rocks at the castle from across the moat.

The time has come for us to cross the moat, enter the castle and join the battle.

Follow me. I’ll lead the charge. Let’s go!



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