January 1, 2018

We didn’t really plan to take a whole month off from The Daily Dose and The Thought for the Day, but that’s the way it worked out. Long-time readers of this crap know we do this from time to time, though usually, our reader-depleting hiatuses have come in the spring.

Writing is interesting. Some days you are moved to write something and some days you are not. One of the benefits of having an income outside of writing is that we are able to write what we want when we want, meaning we are able to listen to what our gut is telling us. Sometimes it tells you to take a break. You, our valued reader(s), benefit from that because when we can be bothered to produce a column you know it came from the heart, with great care taken with every word. We don’t write merely to meet a deadline or fill a contract. We’ve done some freelance work over the years and that’s what it is: work, the same as punching a clock.

So enjoy the The Daily Dose and The Thought for the Day, plus the last three weeks of The Bottom Ten. Your more or less hardworking Bottom Ten pollsters have the final NFL Bottom Ten for you Wednesday and the following week you will have the opportunity to vote for The Bottom Ten Line of the Year and it all wraps up with the first Tenny Awards in a couple of weeks.

Also, we hope you will make good and frequent use of the Facebook comments box at the bottom of each article. Be nice, of course, but it is always nice to hear from our reader(s).

Many thanks for reading and the best of 2018 to you,


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