The Daily Dose/Monday, July 8th, 2019

The Daily Dose/July 8, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Leading Off
Leading Off will return.

Today At The Site
The Diary of a NobodySparrow offers a variety of rates to potential guests at the hotel, plus he buys a different brand of toilet paper. Today’s Diary.

I jacked up rates for the guy who came in later…He’d annoyed me by not ringing the bell, so I quoted him an out the ass rate of $189 plus tax, a rate he was so pleased with he took two rooms, each with one king bed…As I made his reservation I noted the system was actually asking $169, plus tax, but that was for Sunday nite because I’d already done the night audit, so I kept it at $189, plus tax…Then the guy asked if that was the best I could do, obliging me to lie again: 

“Oh, sir, I always quote the lowest possible rate…”

As I was leaving for the day I saw him and two younger women at the coffee service and I have sufficient experience in these matters so that my first thought – “pimp” – was probably accurate, but his credit card was approved – and he’s paying my jacked-up premium rate, of course – and stuff like this is nothing more than the free market at work so what the heck. 

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

The drivel simply does not stop: please click on the button to read The Diary of a Nobody. $5.99 includes all entries, past, present, and future:

On This Date
In 1932 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 41.22, following an intra-day low 40.56, its lowest point of the Great Depression. Recovery from the Depression was slow and even with the impetus of World War II, the Dow would not regain its post-depression high of 380 until November 1954. This past Friday the Dow closed at 26,922.12.

In 1889 – John L Sullivan defeats Jake Kilrain in Richburg, Mississippi to retain his world heavyweight boxing title in History’s final bare-knuckle title fight. The fight ended in the 75th round – rounds lasted until a fighter was knocked or thrown to the ground – when Kilrain’s second threw in the towel.  The fight lasted 2 hours and 16 minutes, with some rounds lasting 15 seconds and others 15 minutes. Bare-knuckle fighting was illegal in most of the US, including Mississippi, and both fighters were later arrested. Sullivan had his conviction overturned, while Kilrain served a two-month sentence.

In 1967 – Aretha Franklin is at #1 on Billboard’s soul chart – then known as the Hot R&B singles chart – for the eighth and final week with Respect. Respect was Franklin’s second of a record-tying 20 #1s on the soul chart, a record she shares with Stevie Wonder. Earlier the song had spent two weeks at #1 on Billboard’s Hot 100, the first of two Hot 100 #1s for Franklin. The song was written by Otis Redding, who had charted with it (#4 soul/#35 Hot 100) in 1965.

…the spirit of inquiry was alive here, and where it has free existence, ignorance cannot last.
Louis L’Amour
The Walking Drum

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Boris Becker won six Grand Slam tennis titles, all in singles. He won Wimbledon in 1985-86 and in 1989, the Australian Open in 1991 and 1996, and the US Open in 1989. Becker also won a double gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Games with Michael Stich.

Today’s Stumper
How many companies that were components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on July 8, 1932, are still components today? – Answer next time!


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