The Daily Dose/Monday, September 24, 2018

The Daily Dose/September 23, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
In The News will return.

Today at the Site
Sparrow whines about having some of his hours at the hotel switched on The Diary of a Nobody, plus there is coverage of how he cleans his new falsies.

Then I brush what teeth I have left and use the rinse the dentist prescribed, twice a day, once before bed and again after my first meal of the day…This is a modest hassle because I have to put the falsies in to eat and then take them out for cleaning, but insertion and extraction is really easy, taking only a few seconds.

Gustave Flaubert has The Thought for the Day, some crap about talent and patience.

If we are going to make our time serve us instead of merely marking time while on this planet we must be on our path every day. Not some days and not others, not some weeks and not others, every day of every week of every year. It will not always be a bed of roses and there will be attainments – life’s great prize – and failures – life’s great lesson. 

On This Date
On This Date will return, too.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
One member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition died on the journey, US Army Sgt Charles Floyd, rather early on, in what is now Sioux City, Iowa, probably of appendicitis.

Today’s Stumper
The Trivia feature will return as well.

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