The Daily Dose/Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Daily Dose/October 18, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
The real damage from Donald Trump’s presidency will not come from his policies or political actions. President Trump is basically harmless, at least in relation to Hitler. We don’t think he’s a particularly good president because he has never had a cogent, long-term vision for our country or his presidency, but he is not evil, merely unable to head a government. As we’ve said many times in the past, Trump’s only real talent is drawing attention to himself, something he does supremely well. 

No, the real damage President Trump is and will be the effect he is having on our national conversation: civility is dead. Trump has made the insult acceptable and that is a tragedy. America is becoming meaner and Americans, collectively, are increasingly intolerant of any view that does not correspond with their own, just like their president.

Trump, of course, has a litany of examples of incivility. Our two favorites are when he called Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ and Stormy Daniels ‘horse face’. Now, the Pocahontas comment could actually have been funny in another context, but coming from the president of the United States it was gauche. The horse face comment was just mean, something President Trump is, of course, eminently capable of.

You know, when our country collapses, perhaps before this half-century is out, it will mainly be because of our perpetual wars and fiscal insanity. But incivilities introduction and acceptance into mainstream American life will share part of the blame, too.

Today At The Site
Sparrow reports for the usual pre-employment paperwork at the new hotel on today’s edition of The Diary of a NobodyPlus, he already has several dozen new logins to remember. Then he reports for swing shift at the old hotel.

Friends, when requesting rates please, for the love of all that is sacred, specify an arrival date…Hotel rooms are the classic supply and demand commodity and our rates vary and don’t try to play Gotcha by holding us to a slow season rate in the middle of winter…It won’t work…

The race for The Dan Henning Trophy – symbolic of NFL Bottom Ten supremacy – might be the closest in ages, as there are no less than five (5) one (1)-win teams ranked in The Bottom Ten/NFL Week 8 survey. Tune in for the usual laughs.

6. Cleveland Browns (2-3-1; lost to Los Angeles Chargers 38-14) – B-10 pollster’s bar tabs still working overtime as wizards try to figure out how opening week tie will affect race for B-10 medal stand…Browns quest for B-10 three-peat sputtering, as Browns have not lost consecutive games since entire 2018 season…Next Loss: at Tampa Bay

On This Date
In 1009 – The Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is destroyed by a Muslim caliph and his army. The church is believed by some to be the place where Jesus Christ was both crucified and buried, though this is not known for certain. Construction of the church began in 326, completed in 335 and after this demolition would not be rebuilt until 1048.

In 1968 – Bob Beamon of the United States breaks the world record in the long jump at the Mexico City Olympics, jumping 29 feet, 2-and-a-half inches, breaking the previous world record by 21-and-three-quarter inches. Beamon jumped farther than Olympic Stadium’s electronic device could measure and his feat was so dominating – and demoralizing – he beat runner-up Klaus Beer of West Germany by more than two feet. Beamon’s world record stood until 1991 and 29 feet, 2-and-a-half inches remains the Olympic record.

In 1975 – Bad Blood by Neil Sedaka is #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the second of three consecutive weeks. It was the second and final #1 hit of Sedaka’s career, following 1974’s Laughter in the Rain. The song also went to #1 in Canada and was the second biggest hit in Canada for the year.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
The first non-British player to win the British Open was France’s Arnaud Massy in 1907.

Today’s Stumper
Whose world record did Bob Beamon break? – Answer next time!

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