The Daily Dose/Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Daily Dose/August 22, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill this week that will form a commission to investigate charges of misconduct by county prosecutors in the state.

It will be first such commission in the country and the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York has shown their support by not only promising the obligatory lawsuit but also announcing they will decline their appointments to the commission, which would render the commission inoperable.

Bravo. There should be 49 more of these commissions. Every state should have one, and let’s throw in one for the federal government, too. Actually, commissions like these should be completely unnecessary in a nation conceived in liberty, but it’s not. This nation regularly convicts the innocent. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is either deluding themselves, trying to delude you or, as likely as not, both.

Today At The Site
On today’s edition of The Diary of a Nobody, Sparrow has a guy try to buy a case of soda with his food stamp card so he can return it for cash so he can by his boy school supplies.  Also, Ed – Ed! – makes the closing pages.

Medal of Honor recipient, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt has The Thought for the Day, a quote about one of life’s great prizes: the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing.

On This Date
In 1910 – Japan annexes Korea when the two nations sign the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910. Korea, on the Asian mainland a bit west of the islands that form Japan, would remain under Japanese rule until the end of World War II.

In 1917 – Carson Bigbee of the Pittsburgh Pirates becomes the first major league player to have 11 at-bats in a major league game in a 6-5, 22-inning win over the Brooklyn Dodgers, then known as the Robins. Bigbee had six hits and the record has been equaled several times.

1970 – Sonny James is at #1 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart for the third of four weeks with Don’t Keep Me Hanging On. It was the 12th consecutive #1 single on the country chart for James, a streak that wouldn’t end until he had 16 consecutive #1 songs, an all-time record for any Billboard chart and James finished his career with 26 #1 country songs.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa on a panel of poplar wood.

Today’s Stumper
How many innocent men have been released from death row in America? – Answer next time!

Shameless Plugs
Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir!: Clock in with the graveyard crew at the Monte Carlo Security Department on the glamorous Las Vegas Strip. You’ll meet drunks, reprobates and scoundrels, and those are just the officers! The funniest Vegas memoir ever! Promise!

The Regular Guys: Meet Lenny and Larry, two comedians who team up more or less out of desperation and become the biggest in show business. As funny as you would expect from Gaylon, and poignant, too.

Click here to read previews of both!
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