We The People: Making America America Again

Hello readers, Gaylon here.

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to announce the release of my latest book We The People: Making America America Again. It’s an entertaining, thoughtful and mercifully short book about our country and how concerned and conscientious citizens like you and me can take command of our government again. Portions of the book appeared earlier in The Liberty Handbook, though there are new and rewritten parts, too.  The book includes both big picture looks at our country, plus thoughts on specific issues, including what this country really needing is a great national effort.

It’s completely non-partisan, too. It is a book by an American for Americans. It’s $3.99 and comes in an easy-to-read flip book format you will love. Click here to go read a sample chapter and buy it. Proceeds go to Gaylon For Congress.

Also available are two old favorites: The Regular Guys and Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir. These are also $3.99 and I’ll cut you a deal ($9.99) if you buy all three.

Longtime readers know I have offered books and ebooks for sale off and on over the years with generally unsatisfactory results. I never really got it right. Either the format was lousy or the payment system had bugs or, as often as not, both. Now, though, I think you will be pleased with the results.

Now, I’ve written a lot more than three books, but that is all I have for sale right now because one is unreadable, two are missing and were probably unreadable anyway, one is in rewrites and some were written under a pen name, don’t bother asking what it is. So three is what I have for you right now.

Thank you for reading,


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