The Thought for the Day/Horace

He is half done who has already begun.

Horace (65 BC-8 BC) was a poet who lived in the Roman Empire, whom History remembers as the one who gave us the famous quote carpe diem which literally translated means ‘pluck the day’ in Latin and not ‘sieze the day’ and we are aware pointing out things like this might explain why we don’t get invited to many parties. Horace was the son of a freed slave who moved his family to Rome after being freed and worked hard to provide a good life for his family, including a substantial education for his son. Horace served in Brutus’ army after Julius Caesar was killed and when he came back following defeat he found his father’s estate confiscated, with no sign of his father. Horace is viewed by many as one of the best poets of the era and History records he died of a sudden illness.

…who has already begun.

Beginning is often the most difficult part of an endeavor because it is difficult to leave the familiar and the comfortable to face the unknown. This is true even if the unknown is a path we want to follow and a path that will utilize and maximize the talents we are born with. These decisions happen regularly in life: the decision to leave home, the decision of when and whom to marry, the choice of a working life. Incumbent in all of these choices is whether or not we are going to follow the path dictated by our heart or if we are going to ignore it.

He is half done…

Those who choose to follow the path dictated by their hearts are already half done with building a good life. All that’s left is to follow that path, It will be challenging at first because there will be distractions, but enough time on your path and you don’t notice the distractions anymore. Your instincts take over and put your life on autopilot because your instincts will tell you when you are off your path. Yes, there will be effort. You must follow your path every day. Not some days weeks or years and not others, but every day, from the time you make the decision to do so until you die. There will be setbacks, too, of course, because that is the way the world is built; some failure attends all great effort.

But so does success! Enough time on your path and before you know it you are well more than half done. You are on your path, and it is taking you exactly where you are meant to go in this life. All you had to do was get started.

The Thought for the Day runs regularly. Gaylon began stockpiling quotes in 1988.

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