The Daily Dose/Monday, August 20, 2018

The Daily Dose/August 20, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
One thing we would like to point out about the NFL players who kneel or raise a fist or face the other way during the national anthem none of it is in protest of our servicemen and women. They protesting racial injustice in this country. They are protesting white cops who have shot, and will probably continue to shoot, black men.

This is not, of course, what President Trump would have you believe. He prefers to issue strong invective and rhetoric saying NFL players are ungrateful bastards who should shut up and play football and stop protesting the military and police. They’re not, of course. This is merely another example of whites trying to stuff blacks into whatever slots whites find convenient.

There is a lot to protest in this country and we’re protesting by running for Congress. The protests by NFL players are good because they are prominent men using the only platform available to them to make a statement. 

Today At The Site
The new breakfast prep area at the hotel is almost done on today’s exciting edition of The Diary of a Nobody. He also handles no less than three phone calls during a five minute stretch after 3am. In other news, Sparrow has gone back to drinking the donut shop knockoff coffee at home.

Horace, a poet from the Roman Empire who wrote in Latin, has The Thought for the Day, a quote about how getting started is often the biggest test.

On This Date
In 1940 – Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky is beaten with an ice axe in Mexico City, where he had been living in exile. His assassin, Jaime Ramon Mercader, was beaten by Trotsky’s guards, who were in another room, and he would spend 20 years in prison for the murder. After his release, he fled to Cuba and spent the rest of his life living there and in the Soviet Union.

In 1945 – Tommy Brown of the Brooklyn Dodgers hits his first major league home run as the Dodgers lose to the Pittsburgh Pirates 11-1. Brown was 17 years, 8 months and 14 days old at the time, and he remains the youngest player to hit a home run in a major league game. The Brooklyn native had debuted with the Dodgers the previous season, shortly after his graduation from high school.

In 1977 – The Emotions move up two notches to the #1 position on the Billboard Hot 100 with Best of My Love. It would spend five weeks at #1 and was Billboard’s third biggest song of 1977. It would be the Emotion’s only #1 song and was their second of three Top 40 hits.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
The Beatles had 17 #1 songs in Great Britain.

Today’s Stumper
Who is oldest person to hit his first major league home run? – Answer next time!

Shameless Plugs
Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir!: Clock in with the graveyard crew at the Monte Carlo Security Department on the glamorous Las Vegas Strip. You’ll meet drunks, reprobates and scoundrels, and those are just the officers! The funniest Vegas memoir ever! Promise!

The Regular Guys: Meet Lenny and Larry, two comedians who team up more or less out of desperation and become the biggest in show business. As funny as you would expect from Gaylon, and poignant, too.

Click here to read previews of both!
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