The 2018 Bottom Ten

Friends, it’s almost that time. The first edition of The Bottom Ten will move next Tuesday, August 21 with the exciting The Bottom Ten/Preseason Q&A. The Week 1 college and pro surveys will move the following week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, like in years past.

Now, listen up: beginning with Week 2 The Bottom Ten will require a subscription to read. The preseason Q&A will run with our compliments, and the Week 1 surveys will be included in our exciting Read Free Week, but after that, you cheapskates will be required to fork over for it.

The ESPNCup and the Dan Henning Trophy issued to the NCAA and NFL Bottom Ten champions will be back, of course, as will the Continental Cup, the Jim Hannifan Medallion, the Tostitos Plaque and more.

There are two parts of the year: the period when we are producing The Bottom Ten and the time when we are not. Only the first is worth a damn.

See you next week.

Gaylon and The Bottom Ten Pollsters


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