The Daily Dose/Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Daily Dose/February 6, 2022
By Gaylon Kent – America’s Funniest Guy™

The Sunday Bottom 5
A ranking of some things.

1. NFL Racism lawsuit???…Check…Covering up sexist and hostile working conditions???…Check…Game fixing allegations to secure high draft picks???…Check again…Super Bowl halftime performers with rap sheets a mile long???…Oh hell, why bother…A hundred and a half million people are going to watch the Super Bowl anyway…Resistance for most is futile.  

2. USA! USA! One ISIS leader, six children, four women among those killed in US attack in Syrian province, an act of war against country US Congress has not declared war on despite pesky Constitutional provision it do so….SB5 pollsters remain “pretty sure” hasn’t declared war since World War II despite US actually being at war every day for past 30 years.  

3. Donald Trump The 3-hole staple remains a lying sexual predator who believes that 1) the moon is part of Mars and that 2) the Revolution was won by Continental Army securing British airports, ignorance almost beyond comprehension in anyone older than five…SB5 pollsters still curious as to which of these elements continues to impress adherents and secure their support. 

4. 2022 Winter Olympics – SB5 pollsters “strongly suspect” that future Winter Games to be held on Mt Everest as Old Man Winter’s strength continues to fade, threatening to turn Winter Olympics into Spring Flings with a generation or two.  

5. Republican Party Good gravy, why is America tolerating their nonsense???…From calling for certain books to be banned in schools to consolidating support for former president who believes Colorado borders Mexico to calling January 6, 2021 insurrection “legitimate political discourse”, SB5 pollsters “strongly suspect” the GOP – once the party of Lincoln – has lost its mind. 

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

Read Free Sunday (RFS) returns.

The Diary of a Nobody – At the hotel, Sparrow gets assaulted. Today’s Diary. 

All right…You get the advantage of the first move, but after that, you’ve got problems…


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On This Date
History’s long march. 

In 1778 – The United States of America is recognized as an independent republic for the first time in two treaties signed in Paris with France. The Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce were meant to annoy and help defeat the British in the American Revolution. The treaties came about after the Americans won the Battle of Saratoga, which also caused the French to turn down British overtures for peace. Amity is a rather archaic word meaning a friendly relationship. 

In 1932 – Dog sledding makes its only appearance in the Olympics, a demonstration sport at the Lake Placid Winter Games. Twelve competitors, all from Canada and the US, took part in two races over two days, with Canadian Emile St Goddard earning the gold medal after winning both 50-mile races in a combined time of 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 12.5 seconds. Other demonstration sports at these Games were curling and women’s speed skating. 

In 1993 – Whitney Houston establishes a new Billboard Hot 100 record for most weeks at #1 when I Will Always Love You is at the top for the eleventh of 14 consecutive weeks. The song broke the record of ten weeks, done twice, by Debby Boone’s You Light Up My Life (1977) and Olivia Newton-John’s Physical (1981-82). The record was tied the following year by Boyz II Men and is now 19 weeks, done by Old’ Town Road by Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus in 2019. The song was also in its tenth of eleven weeks at #1 on Billboard’s soul chart and was Billboard’s biggest song of the year and its 7th-biggest of the decade. 

Some Philosophy Crap
The wisdom of the ages. Whatever.

– Men are unfathomable, aren’t they?
– I agreed. Actually, I have found men quite fathomable. They look entirely to their own interest.
Gore Vidal

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Knowledge is power.

The biggest comeback in any NFL game is 32 points, by the Buffalo Bills against the Houston Oilers in an AFC Wild Card Playoff Game on Jan 3, 1993, in Buffalo. The Bills trailed 35-3 in the third quarter before winning 41-38 in overtime. 

Today’s Stumper
Match wits with Gaylon. It’s not that hard.

Who was the king of France in 1788? – Answer next time!  


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