The Daily Dose/Monday, November 18, 2019

The Daily Dose/November 18, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Leading Off
Notes from our human experience…

YEAH, THIS IS A BULLETIN: President Trump’s impeachment hearings will continue this week. It should be a solemn occasion but, like with most things associated with Trump, he has turned it into a sideshow, with his usual smorgasbord of rants and insults. He does not appear to have any sense of the magnitude of these proceedings, appropriate because he has yet to show any appreciation for the history or the magnitude of the office we’ve always thought he never really wanted in the first place. Running for president was merely another way to draw attention to himself, Trump’s only real concern. 

Dry Technical Matter: The first two days of testimony were a mixed bag. Day 1 produced substantive testimony that could well result in articles of impeachment. Day 2 did not. It mere showed Trump to petty, vindictive and manipulative, but that’s hardly news. We’ve known that for decades. 

Back On Message: Trump is so ignorant of anything that is not right off the top of his head it’s doubtful he could name the other four presidents who’ve had impeachment hearings held against them (Buchanan, Johnson, Nixon and Clinton).  He’s a man, after all, who believes the moon is part of Mars, so his answers could run the gamut from Elvis to Herschel Walker to Charlie Brown.

Write This Down: With his standard attacks, lies, insults and ridicule Trump is making a mockery of our presidency, insulting every single one of us and we are taking it. We’re not saying enough, we’re not protesting a man who admits to grabbing women by the pussy, whose Trump University was a boiler room scam and who believes the Continental Army’s securing of British airports helped win the Revolution. 

We’re not saying we deserve better. 

We’re getting blather when we should be demanding civility and decorum. We’re getting second-rate, fractured, bickering government that should shame every single one of us but we’re choosing to tolerate it. 

USA! USA! Paced by the lapdogs in the media who escorted him into the White House in the first place, Trump is the new normal. Lies and insults are par for the course now, as is the shooting of our children in their schools. We’re taking all of it. 

Get Your Official Daily Dose Policy Right Here: The 2020 elections will provide another opportunity for America to herald to itself and to the world whether we will retain a status quo that will eventually destroy our country – probably before this half-century is out – or whether we are going to dismiss the status quo and demand better.

We deserve better than the government we have now, but nobody is going to give it to us. We must demand it on Election Day. 

Editor’s Note: Gaylon is a candidate for the Colorado Libertarian Party’s 2020 US Senate nomination. Click here to contribute to his campaign. 

Today At The Site
The Diary of a NobodyTwo drunk kids come in to get a room. Today’s Diary. 

About 0300 a young couple came in to get a room…The boy half was really drunk and the girl half was the kid of a public figure…The guy tried, valiantly, to take charge of Room Acquisition, managing to retrieve his wallet and even fish a C note out, but that was all he could muster and he ended up staring blankly at both…His girl took charge from there, producing her ID and a credit card and I was pleased to give them a $99 rate…The guy did manage to put the C note on the counter which the girl ended up confiscating, tho it wasn’t immediately clear if this was a sanction for being a drunk dope or if she was merely putting it away for safekeeping. 

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

Click here to get in on the laffs: Sparrow, The Bottom Ten, the funniest books you’ve ever read. We offer 4Ever and Ever access, or cheapskates can purchase books and columns individually. 

On This Date
In 1963 – The first push-button telephones go into service in the Pittsburgh area, following several years of testing. Despite the convenience, and for a variety of reasons, it took many years for the push-button phone to become the standard and it wasn’t until the 1980’s that push-button phones outnumbered rotary phones. Originally, the push-button phone had ten keys; the star and pound keys were added in 1968. 

In 1996 – Chris Boniol of the Dallas Cowboys tied the NFL record for most field goals in a game with seven in a 21-6 victory over the Green Bay Packers. Boniol tied the record that had been established by Jim Bakken of the St Louis Cardinals in 1967 and Rich Karlis of the Minnesota Vikings in 1989. The record was later tied by Billy Cundiff, also of Dallas, in 2003 and is now held by Rob Bironas, who kicked eight field goals for the Tennessee Titans in 2007. 

In 1957 – Elvis Presley is at #1 on Billboard’s Best Sellers in Stores chart – a predecessor of the Hot 100 – for the fifth of seven non-consecutive weeks with Jailhouse Rock. The song also went to #1 on Billboard’s country and soul chart, one of six songs to top all three major Billboard singles charts and the B side of the record, Treat Me Nice, peaked at #18 on Billboard’s Most Played by Jockey’s chart. The other songs besides Jailhouse Rock to go to #1 on Billboard’s pop, soul and country charts were Don’t Be Cruel, (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear and Hound Dog by Elvis and Wake Up Little Susie and All I Have To Do Is Dream by the Everly Brothers.

Do the best you can – do what you must.

Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Curt Gowdy and Al DeRogatis were the announcers for NBC TV’s coverage of the Heidi Game.   

Today’s Stumper
What teams hold the NFL record for most field goals in a game? – Answer next time!


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