The Daily Dose/Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Daily Dose/March 21, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Leading Off
Leading Off will return.

Today At The Site
The Diary of a Nobody: Sparrow eavesdrops on the Halliburton crew’s morning muster and his bored stiff, and he gets $10 for providing chauffeur services.

I never ask for gas money but I don’t turn it down, either, especially from Anacinth, who would be insulted and who is pretty sturdy  besides and could probably smack me around pretty good…She said Supervisor Mary had tried to decline but Anacinth reported she wouldn’t let her, informing Mary that if she didn’t take her money Anacinth would revoke her chauffeur privileges, which made me laff: 

“Wow…You play hardball…if you don’t take my money I won’t let you drive me home!”
“Yep…I will take the bus next time.”

Click here to read The Diary of a Nobody. $5.99 includes all entries, past, present, and future.

Criminals, Courtesans, and Constables: Friends, my latest novel Criminals, Courtesans, and Constables is now available for $3.99, a price that goes up to $5.99 on the official release date of April 1.

Would you like to read excerpts and a sample chapter? Of course you would. Click here to do just that.

On This Date, Quotebook and Trivia are getting the day off. Fear not, they will return.


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