The Diary of a Nobody 3/27/18 – Drivel From Sparrow!

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, March 27
I will say this about the cat: she does not wake me up to eat….She realizes I keep odd hours and that a growing boy like me needs his rest…For example, working overnights now I sleep during the days a lot…Like today…I got home after work and actually stayed up till 10am or so farting around because I had slept a lot the night before…I woke up around 7pm, too, a couple of hours past the time when I’m usually up, and she was patient.

Of course, the second I stirred she was on the prowl…Literally, the instant I shed the covers there she is trotting into the bedroom, meowing, the first couple greetings for the day but following that are demands for dinner service…And I produced it, too, don’t doubt that…Well right after getting coffee ready, of course, cause nothing gets in the way of AM coffee…Or, at need, the morning constitutional…But yummies do take precedence over turning on the computer on if you can believe that.

Did a second Sparrow For Congress video after work…I took up a minute of your time talking about trusting your instincts and if your instincts told you our country was on a collision course with peace and prosperity go watch another candidate’s video but if your instincts told you we’re screwed, you’ve found a home at Sparrow For Congress…I added the line from the first video about it being time for us to send a message to rest of our state and the rest of our country that the Third Congressional District was demanding better this Election Day…It’s a pretty good line and I’ll probably use it every time I open my mouth because one of the lessons Hitler taught was the key to success was to say the same thing over and over.

Speaking of coffee, the Wife and I, not for the first time, have separate coffee pots…She is stubborn and insists on drinking coffees that are an instant high…Well, longtime readers of this crap know ol’ Sparrow prefers something mellower, like crack cocaine.

Anyway, a while back at the retailer, I noticed they had a variety of new house brands…Not only that, they were colorfully packaged, so I bought a package of their breakfast blend and donut shop knockoff…Both were really good and I was alternating them when they stopped carrying the breakfast blend because it didn’t sell very well…So now I drink the donut shop knock-off regularly while the Wife drinks crap that has such a high caffeine content that it comes encased in concrete.

The donut shop knock is a pretty good replica of the real Dunkin Donuts coffee that is really my All-Time Fave, but it is more than twice as much as the knockoff…Now, the Wife and I are not broke but I appreciate the savings and the coffee is really good, so what the hell.

The Wife is spending the week with her daughter, so I cleaned the cat box, too.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.


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