The Diary of a Nobody 3/36/18 – Drivel From Sparrow!

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

Monday, March 26
Made the first Sparrow For Congress video today…Now, I know from past campaigns that no one gets really too worked up about anything until after Labor Day, but this country is so fractured and divided right now there is no reason to wait to try and make some noise, especially in this day and age when Facebook or Twitter can make you famous overnight…And especially here in District 3, where a full one-third of voters are independents and who, almost by definition, are looking for something other than the status quo.

Today’s video triumphantly heralded my nomination this past weekend, plus I came up with an inspired line about how the time has come for the 3rd District to show the state and the nation they are demanding better this Election Day and what better way to demand better than to send ol’ Sparrow to Congress…I’m keeping them short, too, ideally less than a minute and never anymore than 90 seconds because attention spans aren’t all that long anymore.

The Sparrow For Congress website is up and running, too…Completely redone because the goddamned app I used on my desktop is no longer being supported by its developer…I actually noticed this a couple-three months ago and it was a modest pain in the neck, but I eventually went with a pretty common website provider…I selected a theme and added my content and it was actually pretty intuitive once I got the hang of it.

Sparrow For Congress videos would probably go over better if I wasn’t so damned unphotogenic…Now, I didn’t say ugly…I’m pretty easy on the eyes…But I look lousy on camera.

Went back to work at the hotel tonight…I’ve been working the night audit at a small hotel in town for over a year…It is a lot fewer headaches than the timeshare some of you might recall I worked at and there isn’t a whole lot of work to do, so I have a lot of time to write, which I’ve been doing a lot more of lately…Anyway, the computer problems that existed before I left for the convention have yet to be fixed!!!…I am not making that up!!!..Janis said the new computer will be here tomorrow, but you can believe that if you want.

As it is, with the main computer down we are doing our work on computer #2, which is off to the side of the front desk which made for a tedious night’s work because some of the files that were on Computer 1 aren’t on Computer 2…Plus, I have to scan some things and on C-2 I can only scan one page at a time and on C-1 you can scan the whole batch…Also, the printer chose tonight to have a paper jam every five goddamn minutes tho I brilliantly solved this problem by switching from the paper in the blue package to the paper in the green package…I am not making that up!!!…That actually solved the problem…There were no more paper jams after that!

Also, Dave the GM left last week…He had been scheduled to leave for a while, but I think the hotel he was going to transfer to was sold or something…I’m not entirely sure, and while I like Dave, he’s pretty low key and funny, like me, I didn’t want to pry.

I am still working at the retailer, too…I suppose it is a lot of hours each week, but I don’t work too hard and I take care to get my rest, so I am seldom tired.

Got a workout in, too, today…I ditched my membership at the gym in town because it was tough to get there regularly and signed up for the gym here in our small town…It’s a pretty good gym, but I don’t get in there all that regularly either, but I got in there today…I didn’t get Workout of the Year in though, but after eating like an oink-oink this past weekend I wasn’t entitled to Workout of the Year.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.


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