The Diary of a Nobody/October 15

Read Free Week Fortnight continues!

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Monday, October 15
A couple-three weeks ago I sent Op-Ed pieces to newspapers in our Congressional district, some drivel about how our country deserves better than perpetual war…Well, one paper ran something from me, but someone goofed up and they ran a piece they had run in the spring back when Sparrow For Congress had delusions about hosting a national conversation on gun control.

I did some research to ensure I hadn’t completely lost my mind and sent them the wrong item and I hadn’t…When I sent the piece to the editor last month I had used the same email thread I had used in March and, plainly, they had gotten the pieces confused…Heck, between the original email and replies and rewrites even I was confused.

This is too bad…They are unlikely to run the new piece I sent, regrettable because prime Sunday spots on the editorial page are not passed out with the rations…On the other hand, most things work out if you let them and maybe the old Op-Ed they ran will drum up some interest. 

Slow at the hotel until 0500 or so when people started coming down for morning coffee…Some were getting an early start to the day’s travel and checking out, but there were some hunters, too…All were dressed like shrubbery and one even had an orange vest on over his shrubbery uniform…I’ve been told this is because their targets are color blind and this was so your friend didn’t accidentally shoot you, but if this is the case, why dress like shrubbery in the first place???…Also, why are you taking part in an activity where accidentally getting shot is in play???…I am always confused by what some men go thru to outsmart elk.

One pair said they had been camping, but fled to the warmth of the hotel when a foot of snow fell and temperatures dropped to the teens in the wilderness area high up where they were staying…They said they had an hour drive and another 90-minute walk before they could set up shop, which seemed like a lot of work to me because I wouldn’t drive an hour and then walk another hour-and-a-half to shoot Big Foot, but I am not a hunter.

It is getting cold…Today marked the seasonal debut of the gloves, the watch cap and the lined pants, tho the winter coat is still in the closet, tho I would not die from shock if it debuted tomorrow.

While overall both The Wife and I are pleased the new position of the coffee pot – recall it swapped positions with the microwave a couple of days ago – it is now under a cupboard, obliging us to pull it out to pour water in…The Wife said if this is our biggest problem this winter we will be doing OK.

Candace at the other hotel offered me a job, two night audit shifts a week and, perhaps some AM and PM shifts if I am willing…This is good…It is very difficult to work at the retailer working three swing shifts at the hotel, which is what Puja wants me to do…This will free up shifts for her, and she can hire someone to work swing shift five nights a week, while I do my usual Friday/Saturday graveyard shifts for her.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0930 Monday until 1700 Monday…I could’ve slept more – maybe even until a 2100 alarm – but sleep management dictated a 1700 alarm, even tho there wasn’t a shift at the retailer to look forward to because after getting off the hotel at 0700 Tuesday I have the retailer at 1800 Tuesday night and we do not want to be too rested before hitting the hay Tuesday morning

12.5 hours for the week, so far.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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