The Diary of a Nobody/August 30

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Friday, August 30
After whining about the food for most of my stay, I must say breakfast was really good today…The chef’s special was a really good English muffin sandwich: sausage, egg, cheese…Everything was hot, too, probably because I was there right when it opened at 0600…I ate so much I didn’t even take the box lunch they had for us after we were all done.

We were done and hour early today…We reviewed some stuff for our test and then took the test, 20 questions, none of them particularly difficult, and while they didn’t tell us our score, Dave did say everyone passed…We had some time to kill while the advanced class finished their test but even they were ahead of schedule and after they passed out diplomas we were all heading home by 1100. 

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that yours truly appears to be such a regular guy people will start talking to me about things that might interest other guys but bores me to tears…Had another example today during a break when Mike comes up to me and starts talking about construction…Now, Mike and I had shared a table at lunch the past couple of days and he’s thoughtful conversation and before I knew what was happening he was talking about a “1902 Craftsman” and I’m so stupid in these matters I thought he was talking about a Craftsman tool tho some research showed he was probably talking about a house. 

Anyway, ol’ Sparrow has significant experience in these matters, so it is no problem so act like I do know what Mike is talking about and in fairly short order he’s talking to me like we’re fellow contractors…Then, apropos of nothing whatsoever, he’s talking about animals and notes that “you probably have a lot of elk” or something like that “up where you live”…Of course, we do, I thought as I sipped my coffee and nodded knowingly. 

This happens regularly and over the years I have been mistaken for a car enthusiast, a stamp collector and a golfer…I am none of those things…I used golf sort of regularly ages ago, but yours truly was unwilling to put the work in to become even below average at the game invented by Satan on the seventh day while He rested.  

There was some traffic on the drive home and I didn’t pull into The Shire until after 1500. 

The Wife hadn’t watered anything!!!

I am not making that up…Gardens, flower pots and you forget about the lawn, which looked like the Gobi Desert…As if on cue, some rain moved in shortly after I got home, saving us from a dust bowl. 

And there was bad news, too…I checked my phone messages when I got home and there was a message from Steve, the new adjutant at our small town Legion post, telling me that Bob, who was my adjutant for a while at District 14, had died…He didn’t say when tho this is hardly a bulletin since Bob started feeling poorly in the spring…His memorial service is at 2pm Sunday, the middle of the night for ol’ Sparrow but, of course, I will be there. 

Bob was in his 80s and no one lives forever, of course, but I liked Bob…He didn’t seem to have a temper and was always nice to me and was helpful when I was starting out as district commander. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log:
1930 Thursday until 0300 Friday.
1730 Friday until 2130 Friday.

I’m going to have to scramble to figure out the weekly totals…Apologies are issued. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name. 

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