The Diary of a Nobody/March 19

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, March 19
Slow night at the hotel, which I was grateful for because, of course, I was dead tired…There was some work to do playing mailman because GM Barbara had letters advising guests about the room renovation to be delivered to most rooms, but other than that it was a routine night…I didn’t actually go and lay down on a couch in the lobby, but I couldn’t even be bothered to work on projects.

No Halliburton crew this morning!!!…I had both coffee and hot water out for them, too, but there was no 0400 morning muster…I probably should’ve known, tho…A bunch of the day crew checked out Monday morning and their replacements started showing up this morning around 0630 or so…It doesn’t really matter because our coffee pots keep coffee and water hot for an awfully long time, so I’m able to leave everything out for Sparrow’s Morning Coffee Service at 0500.

The Wife reported that she is so ready for spring she actually did some yard work today, in the small patch of garden on the other side of the carport…She said she did some weeding which I thought funny because I would think all the weeds died over the winter, but what do I know.

The Wife also reported that on Thursday “we” are going to start in raking the bare patch in Sector A, which regular readers of this crap know is the stretch of yard in front of the front door…Based on my own personal, current interest level in performing yard work I tend to doubt that, but we’ll see…The patch isn’t that big – the rest of the yard is still covered in no small amount of snow – and wouldn’t take that long and tomorrow is the first day of spring, so we’ll see.

Recall a couple of weeks ago I bought some of the retailer’s house brand French roast coffee, just to change things up from their usual donut shop knockoff I drink…Well, today the French roast was nearly at the end, there wasn’t enough for a full pot, the new can of donut shop knockoff was standing by, ready for duty, so I rolled the dice and went half-and-half…Screw it, who was going to stop me, The Wife???…I recall doing this once with the donut shop knockoff and their breakfast blend with uninspired results but morning coffee this evening was pretty good.

Also, I heard from Dave, who had the good sense to hire me when I was the GM at hotels A and B when I started working there…He is the GM at the new hotel opening down the highway in a few weeks and he asked how I liked working here because he is having problems finding a suitable, full-time night auditor…I told him it was going really well here and told him how much I was making and he said yeah, I did have a pretty good gig, that he couldn’t pay me much more than they were paying me at Hotel B when I left there.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Tuesday until 2000 Tuesday…11.0 hours, a total and complete triumph…Recall last week I had insomnia on consecutive days and I had it again Monday, so I was curious about today but it was needless worry…I did take a melatonin, tho I’ve learned over the years that is no guarantee on anything and I slept straight thru and my last dream involved me being back in the Navy on a submarine…As usual with my Navy dreams, I was trying to get out.

20 hours for the week which, after reviewing some figures, turns out to be on the low side of average for three days.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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