The Diary of a Nobody/August 13

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, August 13
The big mystery at the hotel tonight was a reservation for one Mr Smith…It was for four nights and Future Assistant Front Desk Manager Devani said earlier there had been a walk-in named Smith who booked for one night…Devani didn’t check him in and I’m not entirely sure how she noticed it, but Devani made a note of it, wondering if it wasn’t the same Smith, and left it for me to decide whether to cancel the reservation or check it in…As it was, I checked him in, content to let day shift worry about it, but Mr Smith actually showed up around 0600 or so, making the point moot. 

This is one of the lessons of the front desk, and of life, too, really: it’s OK to do nothing and let matters run their course…It’s not likely someone would forget about their reservation and come in as a walk-in and, frankly, it was easier to check them in…You can always adjust off room and tax, check the guest out and note they were a no-show…It would be a pain in the keister – not to mention inconvenient for the guest – to cancel the reservation and then have to look for it when he showed up…Plus, if he doesn’t show up we’re entitled to payment for the first night anyway so it is rare when I don’t check a no-show in. 

The Wife has laid down the law: ol’ Sparrow is not to buy anymore toothpaste. 

Evidently, yours truly has the habit of discarding them when they still have perfectly good toothpaste in them and evidently The Wife has been collecting them and, equally evidently, she’s been doing this for a while because she has a pretty nice collection of them…My instructions are to start squeezing these from the bottom up and not to throw them away…The Wife provided instruction for this and I feigned idiocy and stared with my mouth open and all in all it was pretty funny. 

The problem is, growing up at Casa Sparrow, we never rolled tubes up from the bottom when they were low…I threw them away and my late brother and me used Pa Sparrow’s baking soda until Pa Sparrow got to the store and bought some more toothpaste because we were the types who never bought anything until it ran out…It turns out tossing toothpaste out like this cheats you out of a handful of brushings. 

In other news from the Dental Desk, I’ve changed the way I clean the falsies…Long-time readers of this crap may – or they may not – recall yours truly got some partials last September…Up until recently I used one of those eight-hour cleaners where you let the falsies soak while you sleep…Recently, tho, we started rolling with a 3-minute cleaner…Put the tablet in some water, put the falsies in, brush your teeth or perform some other morning constitutional function and then brush them, rinse, and put them in…I really don’t notice a difference. 

It’s starting to cool off and autumn will be here before you know it…Leaves are starting to change color – not too many, but a few – and walking to the car this morning at the hotel you could see your breath for the first time when you exhaled and I wore my old, heavy button up green shirt this morning, the season’s first wearing of a wrap…It’s cooling off during the day, too, for the time being at least, and I am able to sleep without turning the fan on. 

Our small town police department sent out a warning today about some recent car break-ins in the area…It’s a small town so no one locks their doors or cars and we were advised to start doing that and, evidently, some leave their keys in the ignition, too because we were also advised to take them out.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0930 Tuesday until 1900 Tuesday…A man-sized 9.5 hours for the day and a downright Herculean 25.5 hours for the week, a total which tops, by 30 minutes, the record 25-hour Tuesday Total (TT) from two weeks ago. 

Proof that ol’ Sparrow will whine about anything can be found in the fact that I am fretting about sleeping too much…Regular readers of this crap know we have really taken sleep to the next level the past few weeks and the problem is twofold: one, we are losing time usually spent working on our ubiquitous projects and, two, I am sleeping thru workouts. 

You gotta get your rest, tho.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name. 

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