The Thought for the Day/January 29, 2016

In Profiles in Courage he had been the one delivering the verdict, praising eight senators for possessing “…the breadth of a man above party or section…and, above all, a deep seated belief in themselves…”.
                                                   – Thurston Clarke, JFK’s Last Hundred Days

Over the years I’ve noticed that every person of accomplishment had what Kennedy noted: a deep seated belief in themselves.

It doesn’t really matter the field of endeavor, either. It is a trait found in the upper echelons of everywhere: from the very best athletes to the very best waiters in our planet’s finest restaurants. For many years I was an accomplished high school sports official. When I took the field or court for a championship game – which I did 17 times, hardly a world record but nothing to sneeze at, either – I believed, no knew, there was no one better for the assignment than yours truly.

The happiest lives are lived by those who deep inside believe they are doing what they are meant to be doing. These are the people who make their time on this planet serve them, as opposed to those who spend their days merely serving time. 

Note: quotes are from Gaylon’s own private stock, stolen from original source materials.


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