Thought for the Day – February 3, 2016

The dreams that draw humanity forward seem always to be redeemed, if we believe in them strongly enough and pursue them with diligence and courage.
– Richard Nixon


Richard Nixon, of course, has a lot to answer for. He did not resign the presidency, of course, because of Congressional and public outrage over his charity work. Regular readers of his works, however, know he was capable of a thoughtful, well-turned phrase from time to time. This is one of them.

Nixon was talking about Apollo 11, man’s first landing on another heavenly body, about how man’s age-old dream became a reality. It didn’t happen by accident. It happened because President Kennedy had the vision to set the goal and it happened because America – despite Vietnam and social upheaval at home and a thousand other circumstances – made it their goal, too, even if America at times may not have been altogether sure why.

…and pursue them with diligence and courage.

Diligence and courage are two good qualities, for both a nation and its citizens. America did not put men on the moon without those qualities and you and I are not going to accomplish what we were meant to accomplish with our lives without diligence and courage, either. Fortunately, however, us humans, both collectively and individually have always dreamt big, together dreaming the dreams that draw us forward.

This despite the fact we are sometimes our biggest obstacle. The easy way is always whispering in our collective ears to take its path and sometimes we decide to take it. Progress in our lives, however, depends on us overcoming obstacles. It depends on us showing diligence and courage every day.

Quotes are from Gaylon’s private stock, stolen from original source materials.



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