Daily Report: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

As if I don’t write enough for you, I think the Daily Report might become a permanent feature. Regular readers of this crap know it’s appeared infrequently in the past, but I enjoy it and good luck stopping me.

Today’s Diary of a Nobody sees The Wife cleaning The Shire with her friend Erin while Sparrow, typically, sleeps.  There is also the lowdown on his toiletry purchases because all of them went empty at the same time, plus it’s a boring night at the retailer.

St Paul has The Thought for the Day from one year ago. It concerns a trumpet issuing an uncertain sound and is from I Corinthians 14:8. We do not have any religious beliefs at this stage of our lives, but we did have 13 years of Lutheran schooling and we still know our way around the Bible somewhat. The overall message of having confidence in yourself and the life you were meant to live resonates for everyone, though.

And in a shameless attempt to get you to by my book Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir, here is an excerpt from the May 11 entry:

“Finally, after several months, we had some decent nudity at work.

X-Ray and I rolled on a noise complaint in a hot tub suite on 29. A pretty ugly Mexican guy answers the door. The music is pretty loud and we see a stark naked young lady walk in from the bathroom.

We tell the guy he’s got to keep it down. Then the girl, still buck naked, sashays over and announces they are getting married in a couple of hours so, on behalf of the International Henry Units, I offer congratulations.

X-Ray and I were also thinking – as you, no doubt, would’ve been – “Look, it’s none of our business, but if you’re getting married in a couple of hours, who the hell’s the naked blonde in the sack? The maid of honor?”

I am not making that up. There was another pretty young thing sitting in bed, and X-Ray and I discussed this and agreed the part about getting married was complete crap; they were working girls because anyone else would’ve covered up. Most women would not waltz to the door naked.”

You are invited to read a complimentary sample and buy the ebook at www.gaylonkent.com.

On This Date
1803: The Lewis and Clark Expedition, formally known as the US Army Corps of Discovery, leaves St Charles, Missouri in search of a water route to the Pacific Ocean via the Missouri River. They would accomplish their mission via the Columbia River and return to St Louis in September 1806.

1965: The Beatles move into the #1 position on Billboard’s Hot 100 with Ticket To Ride. It moved up from #3 and replaced Mrs Brown You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter by Herman’s Hermits.

Thanks for reading,


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